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   I walked into the hospital, more confident than I have ever been. This is my first time back at work after our Boards. I'm officially an attending. Everyone passed their Boards, except for April, so she has to retake her Boards in June.

   "It's our first day as attendings," Jackson said nervously.

   I looked at him. "Jackson Avery, are you nervous?" I teased, smiling a bit.

   "No, not at all," he scoffed, obviously lying.

   "Liar," I smiled. "I have to go change. Love you." I kissed him before running to the locker room.

   I changed into my brand new dark blue scrubs and grabbed a chart, who I was helping Dr. Bailey with today.

   I walked into Jake's room, where Miranda already was, checking breath sounds.

   "So how much longer do I have?" he asked. "Don't tiptoe around. Just give it to me straight."

   "Jake, you're not dying," his girlfriend sighed, then looked at us. "He can be a little neurotic."

   "Uh, we're hoping we'll be able to figure out more during your surgery," Miranda answered.

   "Well, do you think it's something that I picked up abroad, like Ebola or something?" Jake asked us. "We were just on our honeymoon."

   "You two just got married?" I questioned. "You seem like you've been together for a while." Miranda nudged me and glared at me.

   "It's our third honeymoon in twelve years," his apparent wife answered. I looked at Miranda, then back at her.

   "We went to Kauai the first time," Jake added.

   "Oh, beautiful."

    "Yeah, then we got divorced," Jake sighed. "Then we went to Fiji the second time."

   "The beaches," the wife swooned.

   "Yeah, and then we got divorced," Jake said again. Miranda and I gave each other a weird look. "This time, my bride insisted on Thailand." He looked at his wife.

   "We just can't seem to stay away from each other," she smiled.

   "Congratulations," Miranda and I said in unison.

   I walked out of the room to do some charting when Alex approached me. I rolled my eyes and continued to fill out the charts, trying to ignore him. 

   "Here you go, Mel." He handed me a chart.

   "Don't call me that," I snapped at him.

   "Okay," he replied. "I was thinking I could take the trauma rooms, and we could split the beds."

   "I can handle trauma, Alex. I have ten great hospitals that want me," I scoffed.

   "Of course they do, Mel." He put his hand on my back, but I shrugged him off.

   "Don't touch m-" 

   Before I could finish my sentence, I met his eyes. I swallowed as his eyes met my lips, then went back to my eyes. 

   I shook my head and closed my charts, holding them in my arms. "Uh, actually, you can take all of the trauma. I'm too busy."

   I quickly walked off, leaving him dumbfounded. I sat down to finish my charts, not wanting to be by Alex, when my pager beeped. 'ON-CALL ROOM 2, J. AVERY'.

   I put my charts back up and ran to the on-call room. I opened the door to see Jackson. 

   "You paged me?" I asked.


   He walked toward me, shut the door and pushed me against it, locking it in the process. He smashed his lips against mine, then trailed his lips down to my neck.

   "J-Jackson," I stuttered. "I have patients."

   "It'll be quick," he said in between kisses. 

   I pulled my top over my head and started to untie his scrub pants as I kissed him. As I was about to pull his scrub top off of him, my pager beeped.

   "Are you gonna check that?" he asked me. 

   "No. I'm sure it can wait." I threw my pager onto the top bunk of the bed as we laid down on the bottom bunk.


   "Dr. Grey!" Miranda stormed over to me angrily as I walked down the hall.

   "Dr. Bailey?" I replied. "Is there something wrong?"

   "Yes, there's something very wrong. With you!" she screamed at me. 


   "I paged you five times. You missed out on a major surgery," she scolded me. "I had Meredith scrub in because you were being irresponsible."

   "Dr. Bailey, I'm so sorry."

   "You should be," she sighed. "Not the best way to start out your first attending year." Miranda walked away.

   I groaned. How could I be so stupid? I missed out on a huge surgery so I could have sex with my boyfriend. And honestly, I don't regret it as much as I should.

   I walked to the attending's lounge to see Mer and April sitting on the bench. I sighed when I saw April, but I just sat next to Meredith with my salad in hand.

   "What's up with you?" Mer asked.

   "I missed out on a major surgery for sex," I sighed, shoving the fork in my mouth.

   "Oh..." April muttered.

   "Do you have something to say?" I leaned over to look at her.

   "Well, that's not a good way to start out as an attending," April shrugged.

   "At least I actually passed my Boards," I muttered, looking down at my salad.

   "Melonie, that was mean," Mer pointed out, and I looked at April.

   "I know," I sighed. "I'm sorry, April."

   I got up and started to walk out, April following behind me. 

   "I'm sorry, too," April said, and I turned around to face her.


   "For breaking you and Alex up." She looked down at her feet. 

   I walked closer to her. "I was horrible to you, April. I should be the one apologizing. You made a mistake and I was a bitch about it."

   "Are we good?" April asked, with hope in her voice.

   "We're good." I nodded.

   April hugged me, and I hugged her back, then I walked away to check on my other patients.


Word Count: 973

I'm so sorry that this is so short... I didn't really know what to write hahaha

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