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   I ran into the residents' lounge and sat on the bench. I let my tears fall and I sobbed into my hands. 

   Suddenly, the door opened and I saw Meredith walk in. I wiped my tears away and looked away from her, not letting her see my red face.

   "Melonie?" she asked. I didn't answer. "Mel."

   I felt her put her hand on my shoulder, which made me cry even harder. 

   "Mel, look at me," she begged, slightly pulling my shoulder. 

   I finally brought myself to look at her, and her face dropped when she saw my blotchy face and red eyes. 

   "Talk to me."

   "Lexie hates me," I told her through my tears. "I just met her, and I already lost her."

   "What? Why would you say that?" Meredith asked, rubbing my back. 

   I was silent for a few seconds. I was contemplating whether I should tell her or not. 

   "I slept with Mark," I blurted out, making more tears fill my already swollen eyes. "I didn't know that he was her ex. If I knew that, I never would have done it."

   "Tell her that," Meredith said. 

   "I tried, but she can't even look at me," I sobbed. 

   Meredith was speechless. She pulled me closer to her and I leaned against her. She rubbed my back and let me cry for a little bit. 

   "Is your shift over?" she asked once I calmed down a bit. 

   "Yeah, unless Mark pages me again," I answered. 

   "Come over. You can spend the night," she smiled. "Alex, Izzie, and George live with me. It'll be fun."

   "Sure," I smiled back. 

   I changed back into my normal clothes and left the room with Meredith. We got into our cars and I followed her to her house. 

   Once we got there, Mer opened her door and I saw George and Izzie talking on the couch, and Lexie in the kitchen, making something to eat. 

   "What is she doing here?" Lexie sighed. 

   "I could ask the same thing about her," I said to Meredith. 

   "You two need to work things out," Mer pushed. 

   Meredith pushed me toward the kitchen island, where Lexie was standing. She sat me next to Lexie and we just stared at each other.

   "Talk," Mer demanded. 

   I rolled my eyes as Meredith walked upstairs, with Izzie and George following, and Lexie just kept looking down at her food.

   "Is she always this pushy?" I chuckled. 

   "Yep. You get used to it," she gave a fake smile. 

   "I'm so sorry," I frowned. "I had no idea that you two were a thing. I never would have done it if I knew it would hurt you. I'll stay away from him, I promise."

   "Stop," Lexie said. 


   "No, stop," she sighed. "You shouldn't be apologizing. I should. I was so bitchy toward you and you had no idea." She finally brought herself to look at me. "I'm sorry."

   I smiled. "I love you."

   "I love you too," she laughed. Then, her eyes widened. "Aw, that was our first 'I love you!'"

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