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   In the halls of Seattle Grace Mercy West, there were surgeons running around everywhere, which wasn't unusual. I mean, everyone wants to get the job done.

   "Hostile uterus." Mer walked up to me. 

   "What?" I asked, giving her a confused look. 

   "I have a hostile uterus. That's why having children doesn't come easy for me. I don't think I'll ever have children," she sighed.

   "Oh no, Mer, I'm so sorry," I tried to comfort her.

   "It's fine. I mean, not everything is going to go my way," she shrugged, grabbing her charts and walking away.

   After I got my scrubs on, I felt someone tug my arm. I almost screamed until I saw Jackson pulling me toward trauma bay. I didn't question it. 

   Jackson tied my gown and I snapped gloves on, and we met Callie, April, and Lexie out in the loading area. 

   "What do we have?" I asked her. 

   "Car versus laundromat," April responded. 

   The ambulance showed up not long after and April and I ran toward it. The paramedic rolled a lady out of the ambulance.

   "Adelia Sullack, 56, was involved in a car crash into a laundromat, lacerated wrist, and a few broken bones."

   "Uh, Grey, you're with them!" Callie said, running toward the other ambulance as Owen joined her.

   Lexie ran over to us and we rolled Adelia into trauma room one. April started checking the vitals, I was cleaning up her wrist, and Lexie was writing stuff in her chart. 

   "Can you find out about my husband?" Adelia begged. "His name's Larry."

   "He was in the car with you?" I asked.

   "No, he was in the laundromat. I-I hit him," she answered. "I don't remember anything. I was in the car outside the laundromat, and the next thing I know, the car's inside the laundromat, and there was screaming."

   Lexie and I looked at each other, then I continued doing the wrist. 

   "Okay," April sighed. "Do you wanna order her labs or take her scans?" April asked Lexie.

   "You can take her. Take it all, taker," Lexie snapped.

   "Lexie." I gave her a stern look, and she just rolled her eyes.

   "What?" April asked.

   Suddenly, Owen came in with some paramedics. He was sitting on top of a stretcher with a defibrillator in a guy's mouth.

   "Lost vitals in the ambulance bay. Get me epi and charge the defibrillator now!" he demanded, starting to be rolled away.

   "Larry... that's him! That's-that's my husband," Adelia cried. "That's... is he gonna be okay?"

   Lexie walked away with an attitude and I just shrugged it off. She's probably just having an off day. 

   "Um, Mrs. Sullack, you're husband is in good hands," I reassured her. "We will update you as much as possible."


   After doing a check-up on Adelia, I walked up to Lexie, who was standing at the information desk, filling in charts. 

   "Mrs. Davis' scans are clean?" I asked.

   "Yeah, so is her ultrasound. I think we should do an E.E.G.," Lexie responded, looking down at her charts. 

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