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   I honestly thought yesterday was a dream. Never in a million years would I have saw that coming. Jackson proposed to me. And I said yes. It seemed so unreal. It seemed like a dream that I never wanted to end. I still feel like I'm dreaming. Every time I looked at that beautiful diamond ring on my finger, I couldn't help but smile.

   I walked into the trauma area of the hospital, immediately bumping into Jo, since I wasn't paying attention, I was just looking at my ring. 

   "Hey, I'm on your service today..." her voice trailed off as she saw my ring. "Oh my God! Congratulations!" She touched my arm and hugged me.

   "Thank you," I smiled.

   "When did this happen?" Jo asked me, adjusting her grip on the charts in her arms. 

   "Last night," I beamed, staring at the ring. 

   "I'm so happy for you," she smiled. "Jackson?"


   "Oh my God, if you two choose to have children, those are going to be some good looking babies," she laughed, which made me laugh as well.

   "Thanks, Jo," I smiled at her.

   Suddenly, I saw Cristina walk past me. She was wearing her dark blue scrubs and her hair was in a messy low bun. 

   "Cristina!" I screamed, running to hug her. "What are you doing here?"

   "Since when do you hug people?" Cristina shuttered.

   "Answer my question first."

   "The hospital I was working was a crap bucket," she replied. "The way they did surgeries was really weird, and the whole thing was just stupid, so... here I am."

   "Well, we've missed you," I smiled. "Did Meredith tell you the news?"


   I held up my hand and she immediately saw the ring. 

   "Oh my God, congratulations!" she smiled. Her pager went off and she looked at it. "I have to go, but I'm happy for you." She ran off.

   I grabbed my charts and headed toward the E.R. for my first patient, a man with a grey hair and a grey beard. He kind of reminded me of Santa. 

   "Hi, Albert. I'm Dr. Grey, I'll be your doctor today," I greeted him with a friendly smile. I closed the curtains and sat on a stool next to his bed, checking breath sounds and heartbeats, and I checked his alcohol level. "What seems to be the problem?"

   "I've been vomiting non-stop for a few weeks and-"

   He stopped talking when he projectile vomited all over me. I tried not to puke from the smell and the warm feeling on my scrubs. 

   "Um, I have to go change," I told him. "I'll be back."

   I walked out of the E.R. and up to the attending's lounge. Every time someone passed me, they would look at me funny and plug their nose.

   "Oh my God, you stink," Alex cringed when I came in, sitting next to April.

   "Vomit," I sighed. "Santa came to town."

   "What?" April asked.

   I slipped off my scrub top and put on a new one. "Long story."

   I ran back down to the E.R., entering Albert's room again, keeping my distance this time, but that wouldn't last long because I still had to do checkups on him.

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