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   It had been a few weeks since I woke up from that coma. I had gotten better, and I could finally get out of the hospital bed today. I had to be in a wheel chair since my right leg was broken and my left ankle was also broken, but it was better than nothing.

   Alex and I still had no idea where our relationship was. We hadn't made it official or anything and we hadn't kissed, so we weren't official yet. 

   "Good morning, Melonie." Bailey came into my room with a few papers. 

   "Morning," I yawned. "I need to get out of this bed."

   "Okay, I'll get you a wheelchair," she smiled, walking out of the room. 

   When she came back, Alex was with her and he smiled at me. I smiled back as he approached me.

   I slowly started to get up, and Alex helped me over to the wheelchair. I sat down and sighed of relief. 

   "It feels so good to be out of that bed," I sighed. "Dr. Bailey, when can I go back to work?"

   "Once you're not broken anymore," she smirked, making me chuckle a little. 

   Alex wheeled me out of the room and I looked around at everyone who was looking at me. By now, everyone had heard about what happened, so I was expecting the stares and whispers. 

   "Ignore them," Alex whispered to me. 

   I just continued looking around as we approached the cafeteria. I could finally eat real food and not just Jell-O and soft stuff. 

   Alex wheeled me over to a table and went to get food for us. I played with my phone until he got back. 

   He set my waffles, fresh fruit, and juice in front of me and set his food in front of him as he sat down across from me. 

   "What are we?" I blurted the question out. He looked at me.


   "I mean, are we official?" I asked.

   Alex reached across the table and took my hand in his. I smiled at him. 

   "If you want to be," he replied. 

   "I want to," I smiled.

   We continued eating as April approached us. 

   "Mel! I'm so glad you're okay." She hugged me and I flinched. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did that hurt?"

   "Obviously that hurt!" Alex scolded her. "Geez, April, have some common sense. She fell off of a building!"

   "Alex, calm down," I laughed. "It didn't hurt. It just surprised me."

   April sat next to me with her food and soon, Lexie, Mer, and Izzie joined us. Everyone filled me in on what had been happening in the past couple of weeks. 

   After breakfast, Alex had to go back to work, so he wheeled me up to my room. He kissed me on the head after her laid me on the bed and walked out.



   Today was my first day back at work. All of my bones healed fairly quickly, and I was so excited to go back to work. I hadn't touched a scalpel in forever. 

   I walked into the residents' lounge and changed into my scrubs, and threw my hair up. I was getting stares the whole time. It was annoying, but I did my best to ignore it.

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