1. Chapter

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I was sitting in the car with my best friend Jessica. We were moving to a new town to start college.

We had few weeks until the college starts, but we wanted to see the town and get used to it. We are going to live at Jessica's aunt for the time being.

"(Y/n) we should order pizza when we get there."

"Yeah, I hope we get there soon."

"I second that."

Jessica sits on the backseat with me. We've been best friends since we were 7. She has long light brown hair and green eyes. Her hair hangs freely on her shoulders. Jessica glances at me and smiles, which I return.

"I wonder what the campus is like" I try to keep the conversation alive.

"Yeah and the people too! I hope there's some good looking guys" she winks at me jokingly.

"You know, we are supposed to go study there, not to find boys." Jessica is always looking for someone new to fall for. She is overly exited when it comes to boys. I'm actually not so interested. Its not that I don't like guys or anything, I just like my own space and some alone time.

"But we can still have some fun, can't we?" she smirks playfully at me.

                                                                              *Time skip*

We didn't really unpack everything, only some boxes of clothes and everyday necessities. We were moving to the campus in three weeks anyway. 

Currently, we were in the living room finishing the pizza and watching TV. 

"Jessica, I'm pretty tired, so how about we call it a day?"

"Well, it is pretty late so I guess" Jessica says reluctantly.

"So your not tired?" 

She replies with an innocent smile. I sigh and sink on the couch.

"Well I guess I go take a shower and go to sleep alone." I glance at her. She looks at the clock and nods.

"Ill come with you. It really is late and we have long day tomorrow. I want to see everything!"

"We came here early so we have time to get used to this town. We don't have to see everything tomorrow" I state while standing up and stretching. 

"Yeah well the faster the better" she says getting up too.

I shut the TV down and walk to the guestroom we were sharing. The room was pretty big, but blank. There was -luckily- two small beds. Other one had red sheets while the other had (f/c) ones. Jessica took the red one. 

I took my black shower bag and went to the guestroom's bathroom. I took a quick shower and went back to see Jessica already sleeping. I smiled at her and got on my bed.

I fell a sleep rather fast, due to the fact that I had a busy day.

      The next morning

"(Y/n), wake up" Jessica throws a pillow at me.

I groan and throw it back. 

"Wake up, my aunt made us breakfast" 

"Yeah yeah wait a year" I say slowly sitting up. Jessica exits the room with a 'hurry up' when she sees me sitting. I take my phone from the nightstand, checking the time. 10 am. I also had million missed phone calls from my mother. Well, 19 to be accurate, but you get what I mean. 

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