5. Chapter

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"She said leave" standing up from my seat, I turned my head to the side, looking at the angry male. He came at the right time to 'save' me, but judging by the dark aura surrounding him, it was wrong time as well. I have never seen him this angry.

"Why hello there Andrew! Long time no see! So, is she someone important to you?" Kevin seemed almost happy to see Andrew so furious. He smirked, standing up and taking a step closer to me, never taking his gaze off of Andrew.

"Kevin, if you care about your life I suggest you to leave. Now" Andrew growled with a husky tone at the blonde male, who was now standing next to me. He was clearly not in good terms with Kevin, considering how he just threatened his life.

"Aww, but (Y/n) and I was just having a great time together, right?" Kevin directed the question to me, grabbing me by my waist and pulling me to him. I winced at the tight hold he had on me. By now, we have dragged the whole attention of the dining hall on us.

"Let go, you are hurting me" I tried to struggle out of his overly tight grasp on me. Of course, he just tightened his hold on me further. Even so, it didn't last long. In a blink of an eye Kevin was on the ground, and Andrew hugged me from behind in a overly protective manner. Kevin's eyes widened for a second -clearly because of the unexpected impact-, before he started smirking again, slowly lifting himself from the ground. 

"So she is someone precious to you. How interesting" He was now standing before us. Andrew tightened his grip on me, but I didn't dare to move away from him. God knows what would happen if he was provoked any further. Still, this didn't change Kevin's behavior.

"Well, it would look like we have caused a scene. I will take my leave now. I shall see you again later (Y/n)" he smiles sweetly, winking at me. I look away from him, and his smile falters a little.

"Andrew. It has been emotional. Bye" Kevin smirks, clearly amused of the situation. With that, the blonde excused himself. When he started to walk off of the scene, most of the other students slowly returned their attention to where it was just before the scene. However, Andrew kept his hold on me until Kevin disappeared from the hall. 

"(Y/n), are you okay?" the male behind me turned me to face him after the troublemaker was out of sight. He had tight grip on my shoulders, but unlike just mere seconds before, this didn't hurt. Andrew's face was just inches away from mine, and his black orbs stared straight in my (e/c) ones. His eyes was now full of worry, but I could see the previous anger still present in them.

"Yeah I'm fine" I turned my face away from his, to see Jessica still sitting in the table with Erica, looking both stunned and worried. 

"Look at me (Y/n). He didn't touch you, did he?" Andrew moved one of his hands to my chin, looking in my eyes again. I tried to shake my head, but his hand stopped me so I mumbled a low 'no' instead. I was still a little shocked about his sudden anger, so I tried to avoid his gaze.

"I'm sorry (Y/n)..." he whispered, letting go of me. I lowered my gaze to the ground and got to the table with my friends. I lost my appetite, but I didn't feel like leaving yet. After all, it hasn't been barely two minutes since Kevin left. I really didn't want to bump into him again.

"So, where did we left off?" I shot a smile at Jessica and Erica, trying to forget what just happened. I heard Andrew taking the seat next to me when I waited for an answer from the two girls.

"(Y/n) what the heck just happened?" Jessica asked, ignoring my attempt to direct the conversation away from the incident. She had puzzled look on her face, as she clearly tried to comprehend the situation.

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