17. Chapter

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Jessica broke up with Spencer two weeks ago. At first, he tried to talk to her, but after several refusals he gave up. We would still see him around the campus, probably more than we should have. Now, this was the third day without seeing him even once. It was good because it felt like Spencer was following Jessica. I did have a hunch that something was off, but I didn't want to jinx it by saying it to her. Besides, the whole following thing was really creepy so it was nice to see it stopped, even if it was just for few days.

                                                                       * Time Skip*

The next day I was waiting for Jessica when Spencer showed up. It was the first time in three days me or Jessica had seen him. I acted like I didn't even see him and took my phone out to inform Jessica, but before I could even write the message, he was standing before me.

"(Y/n), I need to talk to you. Its really important and it can't wait" the red haired male blurted out quickly.

"What is it?" I asked, sounding as uninterested as I could. It was easy, since I really didn't care what he had to say to me. I finished the text I started and send it.

"I need to make up with Jessica and you are going to help me" Spencer stated voice full of confidence. There was nothing what would have made it sound even sightly as a question.

"And why on earth would I want to do that?" my tone wasn't mean or angry or uninterested. It held only suspicion and disbelieve. 

"It was your fault we broke up in the first place so-" 

"Yes and that is exactly the reason I don't want you two together anymore. You clearly have some anger management issues you should take care of first" I cut the male off. I did see where the reasoning came from but still, it was not my fault. 

"Oh? But you are going to help me. You see, I know a little something about your precious Andrew and his anger issues" it took a minute for me to understand what he was taking about.

"Well aren't you a little detective. For your information, that was a long time ago and Andrew has not been in a fight ever since. Also, all the professors and probably most of the students know about this so I don't know what you are going to do with this great knowledge of yours" I answered bored. This was totally different thing because just like I said, it was a one time only. And there is the fact that Andrew never did anything even close to that to me.

"So you don't know? Well, I guess I would keep it a secret too if I were him. You know, you really should ask Andrew about the last time he saw Kevin and Brian. After that we will discuss this Jessica thing again" Spencer said, smiling slightly at himself. The red haired male left before I could process the meanings of those words.

After I was left there dumbfounded I checked my phone to see what Jessica had answered me. She proposed a new meeting place, so I hurried over to her. I had to tell her what just happened. On the way I wondered how to bring this up to Andrew. We avoided on talking about Kevin because we usually had a big fight after that. 

"What do you think he meant by the last time he met Kevin?" Jessica asked. I had just finished explaining the situation I was just in.

"Who knows? Maybe he got in a fight with them again after that. I don't know if I should trust Spencer tho. I mean, he has a reason to lie so that's like million times more convincing." my thoughts spilled from my mouth.

"True. Besides, if I remember correctly, there wasn't even time for a new fight to escalate. Between the first one and Kevin's death I mean" Jessica sighed. 

"Yeah, I think they both happened the same day. There is no way it could be possible. But what else could Spencer mean? I really do hope he wasn't suggesting Andrew had something to do with Kevin's death or something" I said, half jokingly.

"What if he is? What else Spencer could possibly mean?" Jessica stated rather than asked. She was right. There was no time for Andrew to do anything else to Kevin after their fight before Kevin died. Still, the whole idea was ridiculous. 

"Do you even hear yourself? Spencer might have suggested that but still, I know the last time Andrew saw Kevin was when they fought" its funny how I stood up for my boyfriend and still, I started to doubt it as we talked about it. I know Andrew couldn't have done it but still.

I decided to bring it up with Andrew tomorrow. This was really serious accusation so I had to be really careful while doing so. I knew we would have a big fight again but I was curious. I had to know or I would become paranoid. Besides, I already knew the answer, I just needed to hear it from him. 

                                                                      *Time skip*

"Hey Andrew?" this was it. My chance to finally ask the question. It was the next day and I was finally alone with Andrew.

"Yes, my love?" Andrew smiled sweetly. 

"Do you remember the day when you had that fight with Kevin?" I asked, sounding innocent. Andrew dropped his smile and gave me a slight nod.

"Did you see Kevin after that? I mean at all" I played with my fingers but kept the eye contact.

"No, why do you ask?" I let out a slight, soundless sigh of relieve. Now I just had to clean up the mess so there would be no argument.

"Well, Spencer came to talk with me yesterday, and he claimed you met him after that and did something" at first I was glad I chose the plan to blame it on Spencer.

"I did what exactly?" Andrew was getting angry. Well, luckily I was prepared to have a fight with him.

"He didn't say. All he did say is that the fight you had wasn't the last time you saw. I was thinking you beat him up again or something" 

"So do you have something to cover up your thinking or do you just not trust me?" Andrew was one wrong answer away from shouting. That meant this was the last chance of avoiding the upcoming argument.

"No, I do not. And I do trust you. I just wanted to ask and if you say you did not see Kevin anymore after the fight, then I believe you didn't. I have no reason to trust Spencer so why would I?" 

"Then we can just forget it?" Andrew asked, clearly pleased with my answer. 

"Yeah gladly" I smiled at him.

"Well, this is a little off of the subject but that's probably for the best. Can we invite Will to my place with us tomorrow?" Andrew saved us both from the uncomfortable silence. I agreed of course since Will was my friend.


Hello again my dear readers

I know its been a long time since I've updated and I am really sorry...

My laptop broke about two weeks ago so I had to get it fixed. I did try to write with my phone but that was just pathetic

Anyhow, here is the long awaited 17th chapter, please do enjoy

ShinyClatter out! 

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