12. Chapter

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( Andrew's POV )

"Andrew, how nice seeing you here" Kevin walked closer to me. I had decided to come to the cafe where I met (Y/n) since I had nothing better to do. I was just walking out of the coffee place when the pest stopped me.

"Oh, are you alone? I was looking forward to seeing (Y/n) too" I narrowed my eyes at the male before me. He had bruises all over his face and some of them had bandages covering them.

"I told you I would kill you if you would go anywhere near her" my voice was low and menacing. I checked my surroundings and we were at the quieter part of the town. Kevin smirked at me, like this whole deal was funny to him.

"Yeah? Wanna take a rematch?" Kevin suggested. Of course I wanted to but him approaching me with such intentions? He must have some kind of an ulterior motive. 

"And why exactly would you want to get your **s kicked?" and there he goes with the smile. Seriously, is this guy a masochist or something?

"What makes you so sure its me getting 'my **s kicked'? I came to give you the same treating as you gave me earlier today" Kevin held an overconfident smile on his face. I just wanted to rip it off of him.

"Fine. But first, lets go somewhere we are not interrupted" I started to walk, leading Kevin to a new location. The street we were on was quiet but there still were people on it. After a few minutes of walking, we were on a side-alley which sheltered us from other people.

(Now please, if you are sensitive to violence, blood or graphic descriptions of both, STOP reading here. You are warned)

"This is just-" I was interrupted by Kevin, who charged at me with a pocket knife in his hands. Reflexively I lifted my arms to cover my face and he gashed my left arm. I felt the warm, red liquid dripping from the wound.

"The f**k!?" I lowered my hands to see the blond male. I lunged at him, punching his face. The pest lifted the knife at me again, but I took a firm grip on his wrist and twisted it. I punched him again and he dropped the knife. 

We shared punches until Kevin was down. I kept beating him up to the point he was too weak to fight back. After I was sure he stayed down, I started to look for something that could help me. Soon I found an iron pipe. 

"Hey, how would you like it? Should I use this or the s****y excuse of a weapon you brought with you?" Kevin didn't answer but he looked a little terrified. I picked up the pocket knife he had brought.

"Well, since you wont answer, Ill use this" I said waving the pipe before his face. I took a step back and swung the weapon in my hands. The metallic object hit his head hard, making the male bleed. I made the same movement again, harder. This time the pipe got stuck in his head. I used my foot to keep his limb body on place as I ripped the weapon from the mess, which was previously his head. 

I gave few hits more, before tossing the pipe away. I had cleaned my fingerprints away, of course. Taking a final glance of the dead student I took my leave. Kevin's brains were a mess on the alley, along with peaces of his skull. I had to admit, it wasn't a pretty sight but I would rather watch that than his face.

My house was nearby, so I took a quick walk home to take a shower and change my clothes. I also needed to treat the wound on my arm.


I know, its a short chapter... I had nothing to add here so..

I have a warning at the description of the story, but I also added one before writing anything too bad so please, do not consider the bloody scene coming out of the blue

Now then, if you are not traumatized, leave a comment and a vote

Ooh, almost forgot to mention, I cannot update this weekend. I'm going at my mothers house so I don't have the time

Well, see you on Sunday then!

ShinyClatter, leaving to see their parents!   

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