8. Chapter

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It was Tuesday, and it was raining outside. As I sat in the auditorium, I tried to listen to the professor up front. I was waiting for the lecture to end, because I had a whole two hours to myself. Jessica was signing up for the history club and Andrew had some important school business to attend, so I was going to be alone. I liked the thought of spending some 'me time'. I could ask this from Jessica anytime, but Andrew was another story. He looked so hurt yesterday when I brought up my plans with the girls. I almost wanted to take everything back, but I really wanted to know them better.

With the last thoughts of my next two hours the class flew by, and I was free. I walked around the campus to find a place with no other students around. I didn't want anyone to interrupt my precious time. After all, I had no idea when was the next time I had a chance like this. I had spring on my step when I walked the nearly empty hallways. I wished to find a place where wasn't anyone, because I hadn't been completely alone in a long time.

I walked in the hopes of finding a place to sit. The hallway I ended up was empty. I hoped it would stay that way for as long as possible. My walking was calm, since I saw no reason to hurry anymore. 

In front of me was a corner, which I neared. On the whole walk here I saw absolutely no place to sit. It was just hallway and few doors. I crossed my fingers, hoping to see a staircase or something. What I saw after the corner was nothing I was looking for.

I saw three male figures about 10 meters (I'm not sure if its right, but its like 32 feet or something) away from me. I almost kept on walking, thinking they were just random students hanging out. I didn't take more than five steps when I recognized the three males. It was Kevin and his two friends from yesterday.

"Ooh, fancy seeing you here (Y/n)!" Kevin exclaimed happily,  while I was standing there. I was still within a safe distance from the trio. My mind was racing on trying to decide if I should turn back and leave, or continue forward ignoring their presence.

"Tell me something darling, where is Andrew?" Kevin was walking towards me now. I was ready to take a step back when he stopped. He was now two feet away from me, and his friends were behind him.

"So Kevin, who is this?" the blue haired male was standing besides Kevin, and the brown headed one was leaning on the wall, few steps behind the other two. The only option I had was to go back. Well, that or stay here and it was obvious what I would choose.

"I need to go" I mumble fast, turning away to flee from Kevin and his two friends. However, I felt someone yank my wrist back. The sudden movement made me lose my balance, nearly falling on the floor before Kevin pulled me on his arms.

"Let go of me!" I fought against his grip on me, panic filling me. As his position moved with mine -all thanks to my struggles- I kicked him where the sun never shines. The male lost his hold on me as he scooped down from my kick. I took fast steps backwards, keeping my eyes on the blond boy. After few steps I hit my back on something -or rather someone. 

"That wasn't really nicely done" it was a familiar voice, and I jumped away turning to face him. It was the blue haired male. He had colorless grey eyes. He must have sneaked behind me. There was now no way out of the hallway, since it was blocked from both directions. Kevin stood properly, revived from my awesome way of escape.

"So I take it Andrew isn't with you now. Good" Kevin started to walk towards me. I found the brown haired boy still behind him, but he wasn't leaning on the wall anymore. My only option was to get past the blue headed one and to make a run for it. However, as my attention was on planning my get away, Kevin closed in me faster than before. He grabbed my throat and pushed me against the wall. 

"So, this beauty here is (Y/n). (Y/n), these two are my friends Brian and William" he gestured with his other hand at the males. So the blue haired one was Brian and that leaves us the brown haired William. After that Kevin placed the free hand on the side of my head. Even with my both hands I couldn't get him away. I shouted at him, since his hold wasn't tight enough to prevent the air from flowing through my throat.

"Shh, (Y/n), if someone hears you we are going to get interrupted" Kevin leaned in to whisper on my ear, squeezing his grip to make me quiet. I struggled to catch breath, but stayed as silent as possible. Kevin smirked at me, leaning in closer to me, so his face was now only two or three inches away from mine. My vision blurred as tears stated to form in my eyes.

"Good girl, I knew you can play nice" Kevin said before leaning in to kiss me. The boy named Brian laughed at me as I tried to push him away, but the lack of oxygen weakened my attempts. I felt so helpless, and I felt the tears starting to flow across my cheeks.

"Kevin whats your deal with this girl anyway?" William -the brown haired one- asked when Kevin pulled away from me. The blond loosened his grip just enough for me to breath again, before turning to face him. I took fast and shaky breaths, relieved to feel fresh oxygen in my lungs.

"She is someone important to an old friend of mine, so she is important to me too" Kevin turned back to me. The tears were still flowing trough my face, even though I tried to stop them. Kevin wiped some of the wetness under my left eye with his thumb.

"Please let me go" my voice was shaky and quiet. William had been quiet for the most of the time, and seemed to be troubled about something. Brian on the other hand was very amused of the situation. 

"I think she's had enough" William said, surprising everyone. He backed away and started to lean on the wall, blank expression on his face. 

"You are not the one who decides if she's had enough or not" Kevin answered turning back to me. He started to lean on my neck, kissing it softly. He had to move his hand slightly to do this, but didn't loosen his grip.

"Yeah? Well, ask her, I'm pretty damn sure I'm right" William's voice held anger on it. I could feel a sparkle of hope lighting up in me, as I started to nod my head violently, to make my opinion clear.

"Yes, now please I want to go now" my whole body was shaking as Kevin pulled away from my neck. His facial expression screamed disappointment on my answer. The hand on my throat started to press down slightly.

"She asked nicely" William said walking behind Kevin, and placing his hand on the blond male's shoulder. He pulled Kevin away from me and I took a run for it as soon as the male was away from blocking my way. I could hear the males arguing behind me, but it didn't stop me. I stopped running only when there was other people again. 


So now we have two new characters, and one of them just stood up for you! Is this the beginning of a beautiful friendship?

I was very tired while writing this, so I was sure it's going to turn out short.. I'm glad it didn't

You probably already know what I'm about to say, but I say it anyway;

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Ill see you in the next chapter!

ShinyClatter looks forward to the next chapter   

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