14. Chapter

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The time passed and it was already a month after Kevin's death. After a week from that, Brian was found dead too. He was found from the boys bathroom at a nearby mall. I heard he had his guts all over the floor and walls. Other than that, it has been peaceful. Andrew has been more bold and affectionate with me but whenever I brought up the deaths, he would get upset. He wasn't sad, more like he was angry for me thinking of them. Like he does whenever I talk with Will. He gets really scary when Will talks with me, but I just ignored it as jealousy.

"(Y/n) my love, it looks like you are thinking about something" Andrew whispered in my ear. We were at his house, laying on his sofa. We did this rather often these days.

"I was thinking about something. Us to be more accurate" I answered the male who was resting his head on top of mine.

"What about us?" Andrew didn't lift his head up for this. I stayed quiet for a few seconds, thinking about how to explain my thoughts to him.

"Well.. Things like how we met, our dates and the time we have spent together. And, uhm, your habit of getting jealous over Will.." instant regret hit me as the words escaped my lips. Andrew slowly lifted his gaze to meet mine before the male slowly seated up. I followed the dark haired male's example, waiting for an answer.

"If you don't like it, stop hanging out with him so much" he spitted out. It was nothing new, he would always react like this when I talked about the other boy. Well, it wasn't just about Will. If any other male approached me or I mentioned one, this would happen.

"Actually, I was thinking about dragging you out to meet him. I want you to know Will better" Andrew looked at me with eyes wide and mouth slightly open. He looked like I asked him to sell his dignity as a punching bag. Well, he probably felt like that.

"What? Have you lost your mind? I want him as far from you as possible, not to sit to drink tea with him" the male raised his voice at me. 

"Just hear me out. If you saw Will like I see him -as a friend- I'm sure you would like him too and you could be with us. I don't mean I want to be with him more, I just want you to be with me when I see him outside the classroom" I made sure to raise my voice in highlighting manner when I said I see Will as a friend.

"Why do you insist on spending time with him? Is he really that important to you!?" Andrew stood up from the sofa and yelled. He was even more angered on me. This has been on my mind for a while now, but for obvious reasons I haven't brought it up.

"Will is my friend so of course he is important to me! That's why I want you to get along with him" it was my turn to stand up. Andrew was now beyond angry. 

"I knew I should have gotten rid of him too" Andrew whispered under his breath. His voice was barely audible, so I wasn't sure if I heard him right. Still, it sent shivers through my spine. 

"W-what did y-you just say?" I wanted to believe I heard him wrong, but I was sure I didn't. I wanted to know what he meant by 'getting rid of him' and who has he already- Oh god that cant be it, right?

"I... What did you mean by that?" I questioned the male again when I didn't get an answer. He only stared at me, thinking on what to say next. I started to think back on our conversations about the two dead students. 

"I think I should go.." I whisper, breaking the unbearable silence. I started walking towards the door which was -of course- behind Andrew. The male didn't try to stop me, much to my surprise. 

"I threatened some of your classmates who had taken an interest on you. I said you are with me and if they would be seen anywhere near you I would seek them out and give another 'talk'. I meant I should have given Will a talk too" Andrew spoke when I reached the door. He was still facing away from me, but I knew what kind of expression he must have had. He sounded partly regretful and shameful, but I sensed anger and maybe relief too?

"What? Why would you do something like that? And why didn't you tell me sooner?" I was almost embarrassed because of my suspicions. 

"Because I didn't want them to hurt you like Kevin did. And I didn't want you to get angry with me" Andrew turned around to face me, but he kept his black eyes on the floor.

"I wouldn't get angry. Well, as long as its just telling them to stay away from me that is. I know how jealous and overprotective you are so I kind of expected that much. But you do remember that Will has a girlfriend and he knows I'm with you, right?" Andrew lifted his gaze up and smiled sweetly at me, before nodding. 

"So could we please talk about meeting with Will again?" it was almost funny how fast the smile was replaced with a grimace on his face. 

"Can't you just forget that guy?" Andrew walked in front of me and lifted my chin slightly. His touch was gentle, so I could answer him.

"Not before you say yes" I smiled at him, knowing the male would soon agree with me. 

                                                                                        *Time skip*

"Hi Will" I greeted the brown haired male as I took a seat beside him. The argument I had with Andrew was yesterday, and now I was about to have an English class with Will. 

"Hey.. So, what are you planning for today?" Will looked up to me from his notes to ask his question.

"You know, I'm glad you asked. I convinced Andrew to spend time with us. And you have no right to refuse, it was really hard too" I leaned back on my chair. Just thinking about having to go trough that again was exhausting.

"Oh. I suddenly have an urge to plan something else for today" Will laughed. I punched his shoulder jokingly.

"So I'm going to meet the famous Andrew who supposedly is your boyfriend? How exiting" I have spoken about Andrew a lot to him. Good things mostly, but Will knows very well how thick headed Andrew is from the times I have cursed him underground after an argument. 

"You scared?" I smirked at the male. He laughed and shook his head.

"No way. So, have you lovers planned anything out?" Will responded. I shrugged my shoulders at his question since I didn't even think about it earlier. 

"Not really.. Do you have something on mind?" I asked hopefully. Before the male had a chance to respond, the professor made her entry. 

"No, I was just curious" Will crushed my hopes down. He kept his voice low because out English professor was really strict. I sank down on my seat a little.

We were quiet for the most of the class to not to attract attention from the professor. I tried to come up with plans for us, but under the pressure it felt impossible. As the class ended, I had an idea on what to do with the two males. We got out of the class and Andrew was already waiting for us. 

Andrew didn't even give a glance to the other male as I walked up to him. I gave him a fast kiss on the lips. We started doing this after few weeks of dating, so it was pretty much normal greeting between us now.

"So, are we ready to go?" I asked the boys. Will nodded at me with a smile on his face. Andrew on the other hand glared daggers at him while growling as an answer. I took that as a yes and we headed out.


Here you go, another chapter for you *makes a deep bow*

There was a huuuge time skip from the last chapter but all there happened was Brian's unexpected death so I didn't find myself wanting to make a chapter from that. 

So, as always, I would love to hear what you think about the story, so leave a comment and a vote!

I don't have much to say, so just stay tuned for the next chapter!

ShinyClatter back to the boring real world!  

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