10. Chapter

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It was lunchtime, so I was with Jessica and Andrew at the dining area. However, this time we had someone else sitting with us. His name was Spencer and he had red hair and brown eyes. He was Jessica's new crush from the history club. Spencer was good looking, but not someone I would drool over. Andrew was more of my type. 

"Hello (Y/n), how are you doing?" Will greeted, standing next to our table. He probably was just walking by but noticed me and came to say hello. Andrew wasn't happy about his arrival, so he tightened his grip on me.

"Ah, hey Will! I'm doing fine. This is Andrew, my boyfriend" I introduced Andrew to him because they haven't met before. Besides, Andrew was squeezing the life out of me with his tight hold. 

"Oh, nice to meet you, I'm William Teller. (Y/n) and I share few classes together" we found out yesterday we go the same math, English and science classes. I tried to take a better position so Andrew could hold me but not hurt me while doing so. I didn't mind being close to him but he was starting to hurt my side.

"Andrew Sawyer, (Y/n)'s boyfriend" Andrew was clearly annoyed by the other males presence, and even more so for me dragging him into a conversation with him. Jessica was having another conversation with Spencer, which Andrew tried to join. 

"So, we have math today don't we?" I could feel a barely audible growl trough his chest. Luckily no one heard it.

"Yeah, I guess Ill see you there then" Will waved me goodbye and continued whatever he was doing. Andrew relaxed when the brown haired male was out of sight. He then kissed the top of my head and placed his forehead against mine.

"You two are so cute together. I'm almost jealous" Jessica whined at us. Spencer looked at her, smiling at her childishness. 

"Don't worry, we know" Andrew gave her a confident smirk while placing my head to rest on his chest. I could hear the calming heartbeat from the position I was in.

"So Jessica, I think we should get going, the meeting starts in a few" Spencer reminded my friend. They were having a club meeting soon. Jessica and Spencer excused their self's, leaving me and Andrew alone. 

"Well, what class do you have next, my love?" he smiled sweetly at me. After I answered, we took off too. We walked at the direction of my next class, when I looked back to see Kevin and Brian walking behind us. There was distance between us so Andrew didn't see them. Well, it looked like the two males didn't notice me either, so I decided to ignore them. Besides we were on a busy hallway so they couldn't do anything.

Soon Andrew needed to visit the bathroom, which meant he was going to leave me alone. I was really reluctant to let him go, but since I didn't want to tell him why I had to. I did look around to see if the two boys were somewhere close before Andrew disappeared into the male's room. The duo soon appeared before me after I was left alone.

"One step closer and I will scream" I promised, keeping my voice low and threatening. The hallway was still busy with other students, so I stayed where I was. 

"Oh? Really now. Brian and I just wanted to let you know how disappointed we were when you didn't even say goodbye the last time we met" Kevin faked a sad expression.

"Goodbye. There, now you can leave" I looked at the restroom door behind me. It was very close, so I had no room to back away. I didn't want to end up in the same situation as last time. 

"I guess your boyfriend is in there? So, have you told Andrew what happened the other day? I bet you didn't" Kevin took slow steps closer to me, lowering his voice while closing the distance between us.

"Get away from me!" I tried to slip away from him to prevent the male from cornering me. Unfortunately, his friend was now before me. Before anyone could do a thing, Andrew stepped out of the bathroom. There was deep, dark aura surrounding him. The room temperature felt suddenly much colder.

"I told you to stay away from her" Andrew slammed Kevin on the wall, taking me protectively behind him. Brian just stood there watching Andrew's every move.

"I see you still don't know how you treat friends Andrew" Kevin laughed mockingly. What caught my attention was the way he said those words, probably referring to their past.

"Well, no matter. I guess your girlfriend there forgot to tell you how we met two days ago" Kevin smiled at me, while Andrew slowly turned his head to face me. I narrowed my eyes at Kevin, hoping he would shut up.

"What?" Andrew asked, voice full of rage and doubt. I tried to find a way to get us away from here, before Andrew would lose it.

"Yeah, she was passing by and we kept her company" Kevin moved beside the quiet blue haired male.

"Oh, you should see her crying, she looks so pretty when she begs you to stop" Kevin started to laugh which didn't last long. Andrew had punched him, making the poor blond fall on the floor. However, that wasn't enough for Andrew. He seated on the other male's rib-cage and started to beat him up.

Brian tried to help his friend but his attempts had no effect. It didn't last long, before there was other students helping him. Andrew was soon restrained by older student, waiting for the security-guards. 

"DON'T YOU DARE TO LAY YOUR HANDS ON HER AGAIN!" Andrew shouted at the other male, who was trying to stand up, with the help of others. I was more than shocked. All I could do was to stand there, legs trembling. My heart was pounding fast in my chest like it could stop at any second. All the voices started to blend together. I saw the bloody mess which was supposed to be Kevin's face and my stomach turned upside down at the sight.

"Are you okay" it was a woman. She was older so I assumed she was a professor. I could only barely make out her words, but couldn't find my voice to answer so I nodded instead. Only now I noticed the tears streaming trough my face. I wiped the tears away and took a deep breath before leaving the scene to collect my self properly.


I'm sorry if there is mistakes, I did not safe-read the chapter...

I would have the time, but I'm a wreck right now because my friend died today.. Actually  I didn't plan on writing at all but I needed to direct my attention elsewhere

Hope you understand! 

If you liked the chapter you know what to do!

ShinyClatter off to the darkness!   

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