18. Chapter

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I was sitting outside, waiting for Jessica to come meet me. I was supposed to go to Andrew's place with Will later. After I had talked with Andrew about the things Spencer was talking about, I decided not to listen to him anymore. It was bad enough that he was able to make me suspect Andrew.

"Sorry I'm late, I ran into somebody" Jessica apologized. She was panting, so she probably ran here. 

"Its fine. So, I talked with Andrew, and he didn't see Kevin after the fight. I can't believe I even questioned him" I said. Jessica calmed her breath down and took a seat beside me.

"We both know Spencer isn't going on full 100%. If he still tries to talk to either of us, we should just ignore him" Jessica stated.

"I agree. I'm just relieved I didn't have another fight with Andrew" I thought back to yesterday. I was with Jessica, waiting for Will so we could get going. We decided it would be best if we got there together, since we are coming from the same direction. 

*Time skip*

I was currently with Will, almost at Andrew's door. We were chatting away, just like we always did. The walk went by fast. Soon we were at Andrew's door, but we didn't need to knock. He opened the door before we had the chance to. 

"Took you two long enough. Come one, get in" he held the door open for us. Will walked in first, and when it was my turn he stepped in front of me. He gave me a long kiss, almost making me think he did it because of Will. 

"(Y/n), could you wait for us upstairs? I have a surprise for you, but its not ready yet. I'm going to need Will to help me get it ready" Andrew asked excitedly. He seemed to be genuinely happy about something. 

"Okay, I don't know if I should be worried or not, but I'll wait in your room" I said jokingly, and chuckled nervously. My birthday wasn't coming up for a while, so I didn't really understand what was going on.

I made my way to Andrew's room, wondering what could he be planning this time. I didn't really expect a surprise when I came here. After a time that felt like an eternity, Andrew came in. I didn't see Will anywhere.

"Its time to see your surprise" Andrew smiled. I followed him trough the halls of the second floor. He stopped in front of a door and turned back to me. He smiled and opened the door, studying my expressions. 

Behind the door was a bedroom. It was beautiful, and decorated wit my favorite colors. There was a door in the opposite of this one. My guess was it was bathroom. I turned to look at Andrew, who was still thrilled.

"Don't you like it? I tried to decorate it to your liking. If there is something wrong, tell me and I get it changed immediately" Andrew said.

"No no no, it not that, I was just thinking.. what is this exactly?" I looked back into the beautiful room. 

"You are moving in with me of course. This is your new room. I figured you don't want to stay in my room right off the bat" Andrew explained. I flashed my face in his direction faster than lightning. I was too shocked to say anything, or to even fully comprehend the meaning of his words.

"No way. I have school, and my mom doesn't even know about you, so how am I going to explain this to her? Besides, its way too early to move together. And I don't have enough money to pay for the rent! This house probably cost a fortune" I rambled. I was panicking. I couldn't believe he wanted us to move together. Or that Will was helping him. 

"Where is Will? I think I need to go" I asked, not realizing how hurt Andrew looked until now. I was just about to say I was sorry, when he turned around and started walking.

"Are you coming or what? I'm taking you to see your dear Will" Andrew spat. I was a little taken a back on his answer, but soon rushed after him, wondering what to say. He was angry and hurt. 

"I'm sorry Andrew. I didn't mean to-" I was trying to apologize when he turned around, looking furious.

"I don't want to hear it. First you reject me, and then you want to see him!? There is no way I'm letting this slip" Andrew grabbed my arm and dragged me down. His hold on me was firm, but not too tight to hurt me. I was too scared to say anything, so I just let him guide me.

He dragged me to a basement. I was starting to get worried for real now. I knew he wouldn't hurt me, but I was getting chills from this place. We stopped in front of a door. He looked at me, and for a second I thought he looked amused.

"Go on. Open the door. Your little friend is in there" Andrew was still really angry. Slowly, I turned the doorknob. The room behind the door was dark. I couldn't see anything. I glanced back at Andrew. I didn't understand why would Will be in this dark, cold room.

"Oh, don't worry. He has a friend. Just in case he gets bored" Andrew said as he flipped the light switch on. I blinked a few times to adjust my eyes. When I finally could see, I hoped I couldn't.

Will and Spencer were both tied up on the walls. Spencer was really bloody, he had cuts and bruises all over. Will looked a little better, but not too good himself. He had bruises and a few cuts too. Both boys also had a cloth in their mouths, preventing them from speaking or screaming. I saw the boys lifting higher, realizing soon after that it was just my knees giving up. My face was wet from tears flowing on my face. I couldn't believe my eyes. Will saw me on my knees, crying. He started crying and screaming something. I couldn't make any words out because of the cloth. Spencer was still unconscious. At least I hoped he was. I felt my stomach turn.

"Okay I think this is enough for one day. Lets get you settled in your new room" I heard Andrew say faintly. I didn't understand hi words at all. It was like he was talking in a foreign language. I wanted to run to Will and help him down, and check if I could still help Spencer. The only problem was, I couldn't move. Not until Andrew tried to lift me from the floor.

"Alright, up we go princess" Andrew said, trying to lift me up. I woke up from my trance, and started trashing around. I was screaming for him to let me go, and calling him names. Andrew removed his hands from me, and I fell on the floor. I didn't wait another second, I ran to Will and started undoing the ropes around his left wrist. He was trying to scream something, but I din't care. 

And everything went black.


Heyyy... I know its been quite some time...

At first I was having a writers block, and then I kind of forgot... Sorry!!

I honestly thought I finished this, but I guess I didn't... Lol

Now, there is going to be one last chapter after this, and I can get it ready next weekend. (I'm free from Thursday till Monday, and I literally have nothing else to do) 

And one other thing; I was thinking about a new book. Yeah. Haven't decided what yet, but now that I have much more time, I can write more too. Maybe next something more exiting lol

ShinyClatter is very sorry, and going to sleep!

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