2. Chapter

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I groaned in discomfort when the sun shined directly on my closed eyelids. I tried to block the sun by putting my hand over my eyes, but it only woke me further from my slumber. I gave up, and opened my eyes. I sit up to see Jessica's bed empty. I did my morning routine and went downstairs. 

Jessica was in the kitchen drinking coffee and eating. I poured hot (coffee/tea) for myself and sat with Jessica.

"Good morning (Y/n)" Jessica smiled happily.

"Good morning" I yawned and made a sandwich for my self. 

"You wanna go to town today?" Jessica questioned me.

"Yeah, sure. We still have a lot places to go" I answered while taking a bite of my sandwich.

We ate and took our time getting ready. Again, I was waiting for a certain someone in the living room. I could have watched the TV, but I had something on my mind. School. What it would be like? How are the teachers like? What about the other students? I couldn't help but be anxious. The college we would attend with Jessica was fairly big. And expensive. I had to save money for it so many years and still it was way out of my reach. My mother paid half, and I the rest. Its not like we were poor or something, but we weren't exactly rich either. My mother is a lawyer, so I guess she makes above average pay. 

My mother had raised me and my little sister alone. Our father abandoned us when I was 3 or 4. My little sister Amy is two years younger than me. I took care of her when we were younger, because our mother had hard time working. Maybe not the ideal childhood, but I don't really care anymore. Amy is 16 and pretty much able to take care of herself while mom is at work, so basically everything is fine now.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when Jessica came downstairs. She disappeared to the front door with a 'lets go'. I followed her suit and we left to another trip on the town.

                                                                                      *Time skip*

We were walking in the park to pass the time. The weather was really nice. The sun was shining and warming everything under it, while there was a cooling breeze. Suddenly, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder, so I turned around to see who it was. Andrew.

"And we see again, (Y/n)" he smiled at me.

"Oh, hello again Andrew" I greeted and smiled politely. Jessica stared at me, clearly trying to say 'I told you' referring to our conversation after the cafe yesterday.

"My name is Jessica. I'm (Y/n)'s best friend" Jessica introduced herself, while replacing her smirk with a closed eye smile. Andrew slowly looked at her and turned back to me.

"So this is your friend from yesterday?" he asked me. Wasn't it a bit rude to just basically ignore her like that? Besides, isn't it obvious? Do I look like I have friends? Well I kinda do have, but I'd rather call them acquaintances.

"Yes she is, Jessica, this is Andrew. The guy I tripped in the cafe yesterday" I turn to Jessica. Now, she obviously knows who this is, but I didn't want to leave her out of this.

"Are you two new here? I haven't seen you around, and you seem like you have just moved here" Andrew clearly understood, because he looked at Jessica too while asking this.

"Actually yes, well, kind of. We are starting college here so we wanted to come see the new town before it starts" I reply when Jessica kept quiet. She wasn't offended, she just wished for me to do the talking, probably in the hopes that Andrew and I become 'a thing'. 

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