16. Chapter

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The day we spent with Will went good. After that, Andrew was nice to Will and vice versa. We would sometimes even eat lunch or dinner together. I had no reason to not to trust Andrew being sincere, but he still sounded a little mean to my ears. Its not like I brought it up or anything, they were getting along and Will didn't notice or care so I stayed out of it.

Jessica was spending less time with me. She was usually with the history club members. Well, mostly with that Spencer guy. They had 'a thing' now. This has been going on for sometime now, but they aren't dating yet. 

My phone started buzzing on my nightstand. It was afternoon, but after forgetting to put the device on silence that one time, I kept the volume always down at my dorm. 

"Hello?" I answered the phone. I was too lazy to look at the caller ID, so I waited for them to say something. 

"(Y/n) I-I need to see you" the voice belonged to Jessica. She sounded like she was holding back tears, so I seated up.

"Jessica are you okay?" I started to get up to change attire so I can meet her.

"No.. I need to see you, so can you come to the campus yard? The usual place" 

"Yeah, Ill be there as fast as I can" I was hurrying with the changing. I wanted to just run to her, but I was wearing pajama-shorts with a text 'good girl' at the front and 'bad girl' at the back. Thinking about running around the campus like that didn't sound too tempting.

"Thank you" Jessica said, ending the call. I rushed to change to jeans and ran out of the dorm. I knew where she would be waiting at, it was a place where wasn't too much other students. We usually talked there when we were alone. 

I reached the place, and found Jessica sitting on our bench. She raised her head from her hands when she heard me coming. Her eyes were red from crying and there were tears flowing down her face. Her cheeks were red too, probably from the crying too.

"Jessica what happened?" I managed to get out while catching my breath. I moved to sit beside her, body facing her.

"Spencer. H-he... He hit me" Jessica cried out hugging me. 

"W-what?! What happened?!" I shouted at the crying female. I was shocked. I really didn't know Spencer but Jessica talked about him a lot. From her I knew he was mostly nice guy, but he would get super bossy sometimes.

"He got so angry at me..! Help me (Y/n), I don't know what to do" Jessica was sobbing loudly now. She was still hugging me, so I rubbed her shoulder gently. 

"Tell me what happened. Its okay now, I'm here with you" my voice was now soft and comforting, since I payed attention to not to sound angry, even though my anger wasn't directed towards her.

"W-well, we were at his room just spending time you know? Everything was fine until he started kissing and touching me, and I told him to stop. He did stop but he got angry and asked why I didn't want to do it and then we started arguing and I told him many times I wasn't ready. Then he.. Then he slapped me and I ran out and called you" Jessica held back her sobs so I could make out what she was saying. I listened quietly her the whole time.

"I don't know what to do.. I really like him and I really want this to work out" the light haired female whispered.

"No way, if he slapped you its over. You shouldn't see him anymore" by now, Jessica has retreated from me, looking at her hands. 

"Yeah but I really really like him. I mean, if I give him a second chance-" she was still glaring down at her hands. 

"No Jessica. You are not going to let this go. We are going to buy some ice cream, watch s****y movies, stay the whole night up and hate him together" I said, lowering my head to meet her gaze. 

"But it was partly my fault.. I made him angry in the first place, so if we talk this out everything will be fine. I just don't know what to say to him" she sounded so serious and desperate to keep the male close to her. Still, there was no way in hell I would let her go back to Spencer.

"How can you say it was your fault? You did nothing to deserve this. He cannot come up with a good enough excuse even if he had all the time in the world. Besides, if he slapped you once, he will do it again" I never believed I had to say these words for her. Or anyone else for that matter. Abusive boyfriends were real thing, but the idea of one being with my friend never really crossed my mind.

"I don't know, I just feel so guilty. I'm sure Spencer feels the same way, so I just want to forget the whole thing" 

"Don't you dare to even think about ignoring this. Or worse, forgiving him. Spencer can feel guilty for the rest of his life for all I care. No, you know what? The longer he regrets it, the better" Jessica stayed quiet for a little. She looked like she was thinking about my words, and I hoped she would realize I was right.

"Fine.. but I still need to talk to him, to get a real closure to our thing" Jessica spoke up. The female had a sad look on her face.

"The closure was when his hand made contact with your face. There is no need to talk to him ever again" I didn't want her to talk to the b****rd anything besides telling him to stay away from her. Even then, I want to be there to make sure he wont try hitting her again.

"Maybe to me, but its not fair to leave things hanging. I have to say to him clearly so there is no misunderstandings. Besides, its not good if he thinks everything is fine and I just keep avoiding him" Jessica had a point. There is no way of saying what Spencer would do if Jessica didn't say things clearly enough.

"Okay fine, but I'm going with you. Just to make sure he doesn't touch you again. And we are not going today. I'm going to call Andrew to tell him we are spending the rest of the day by ourselves" I pulled the phone from my pocket, ready to make the call. 


So I don't know what happened to the previous chapter. My laptop said it was published but my wattpad app on my phone said it wasn't... So I published it today on my phone too, just to make sure its out.

This chapter held some sensitive topics, but I didn't put up a warning. The reason is simple; it wasn't written in detail and this was about what happened after the situation. If some of you think there should still be a note of this, I can add it later

Well then.. I'm off to sleep *yawns loudly*

ShinyClatter  checks this chapter is published so do not worry!   

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