15. Chapter

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I was leading the boys out to eat. It was the only thing I came up with in such a short time. Besides I was hungry so no can do. 

We were heading to the cafe where I met Andrew. I have taken a liking to the place because of its location and peacefulness. Andrew liked the place too so we went there quite often together. We reached the cafe in silence, mostly because Andrew gave Will dirty looks every time the poor boy tried to say something or even answer my questions.

"So, what are you going to order?" I asked the males. I directed it to both of them, even though I knew what Andrew was going to have. 

"Coffee" Andrew glared at Will, who just ignored the male.

"I don't know. Maybe sandwich and coffee" Will said, looking at me. He was clearly aware of the other male's staring. Andrew opened the door for me and stepped inside, leaving Will to open the door for himself.

I gave the dark haired male a disapproving sigh and continued to the counter. We ordered our food and drinks before heading to take our seats. Andrew stopped me before we reached our table, sitting down on a random one. He smiled at me sweetly, even though it was forced.

"So, how was your day Andrew?" I started the conversation after everyone was sitting. 

"As usual" he answered, taking a sip from his coffee. I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"What about you Will? How was your day?" I turned my attention on the brown haired male. I did not want to make this any more awkward than it already was, by making Will feel left out. 

"Well, nothing out of the ordinary. School, school and some more school" Will smiled at me. At least one of them is cooperating.

"What about Olivia, how is she?" Olivia was his girlfriend. She studied elsewhere, but they saw each other every weekend and they spoke on the phone every day.

"Oh, Olivia is fine too. Actually, her birthday is coming soon so I was going to ask you what I should by for her" Will smiled happily. Andrew was listening us silently, drinking his hot drink.

"What were you thinking? Or is there something she likes?" we started talking about different gift ideas. Will was thinking about buying her a wrist watch. I suggested different ideas that came to mind too.

"Who is this Olivia you are talking about?" Andrew spoke his mind. He was probably curious about it from the beginning, but too proud to ask.

"She is my girlfriend. We have dated for four years now, but she is going college at somewhere else right now" Will answered, wide smile on his face. He always seemed so happy when he talked about her. Well, expect when they had an argument. 

"Oh? Why didn't you go to the same school?" Andrew spoke again. I was happy he was talking to Will in a normal manner. His voice was monotone like he didn't care at all talking to him, but it was still better than the silence.

"Olivia wanted to study there since she was little, and I wanted to study somewhere close. Its not the ideal situation we are in, but we'll survive" Will explained. 

"So, if you have a girlfriend, why were you with the two pests who attacked (Y/n)?" Andrew changed the subject. I could hear the shattering of the idea of Andrew trying to be nice to Will.

"Well, I was trying to make friends. We were just hanging out in the hallway when (Y/n) came there. At first I didn't want to be part of it so I just stayed out of it. Still I couldn't just stand there doing nothing when two boys assaulted a girl right in front of me so I made an end to it" Will had a serious expression, facing Andrew's cold and hateful one. 

"In other words, you-" Andrew was interrupted by me. 

"Hey, I just noticed you both like coffee!" I know, it was a great one. I'm so super with these. Maybe I should write a book on 'how to get out of awkward conversations'. Or maybe I should read one?

"Coffee is great isn't it? You can talk about that next" both of the males looked at me, confused looks on their faces. Even Andrew seemed to forget what he was so worked up for. After a few painfully long seconds Will started laughing. 

"You are hilarious (Y/n), you know" Will stated after he collected himself. I swear to god, if that worked I'm going to name myself the king of awesomeness.

"We were in middle of a conversation. Didn't you want us to talk?" Andrew looked like they were having a friendly chat, which I interrupted. It was my turn to look confused.

"W-well yeah but I don't want you to fight" I'm sure I didn't read the situation wrong. Now I was questioning it, but still had the same idea.

"We weren't fighting. I was about to confirm he wasn't aware of Kevin planning on to harass you" Andrew said innocently. 

"And I wasn't. Aware of his intentions that is" Will said, interrupting my thoughts. Maybe I did understand the situation wrong?

"Then I owe you my thanks. I wasn't there so its good to know someone defended her" Andrew sounded really sarcastic to me but Will just smiled saying it was nothing. Is this really just my imagination because no matter how I look at it, he didn't sound polite to me. 

Andrew was acting strange after that. He made comments here and there which were really mean and sarcastic but I was the only one who noticed. It was suspicious how he was opposed to this just before and now they were acting like old friends. Maybe I was just paranoid as usual and Andrew was giving Will a chance. 

Maybe I should trust my boyfriend a little more.


I slipped yesterday... Sorry

But now Andrew is becoming friends with Will? Or is he just planning something? Share your thoughts in the comments!

I know its really similar to the second chapter but I have no idea how else to get the story where I want it

I promise to give it some more thinking next time!

Well if this is all, there is a world there waiting for someone to save it. I need to go watch how the human race gives its best efforts on saving it!

ShinyClatter, off to make some popcorn!  

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