11. Chapter

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It was two hours from the.. The fight and I was making my way to my next class. I couldn't make up my mind on what to think about it. Andrew attacked Kevin but Kevin also provoked him. Still it was the wrong thing to do. Also, I was thinking if I wanted to be with someone so aggressive. What if something like this happened again?

"Hey (Y/n)! Wait up!" I stopped and looked back at who had stopped me. It was Will so I waited for him to catch me.

"Hey Will" I greeted him when he reached me. He nodded and smiled at me.

"So, we have math now" Will rather stated than asked. I nod and start walking again.

"Yeah, and I'm finally free after that" a sigh of relief escaped my lips as I thought about spending the rest of the day at my dorm. Andrew and I had plans for today but I wanted to be without him for at least a day. Wonder why?

"Oh? What are you going to do then?" Will opened the door for me. We stepped inside the class to start our math period.

"Nothing. Ill just lay in my dorm doing as much nothing as I can" we took seats at the back of the huge room. 

"Really? I was going to ask you to hang out with me but I see you already have plans" Will laughed a little, running his fingers trough his brown hair.

"Yeah, well too bad, I have been skipping on doing nothing for too long so it can't wait either" I smirked at myself, keeping my eyes at the front of the room even tough the professor hadn't arrived yet.

"But seriously, so you are free today?" Will turned to face me. I did want to spend the day alone, but being with Will could help me forget today's incident. If I were alone I would probably just stress myself dead over it.

"Depends on what were you planning"I turned to look at him, waiting for an answer. 

"Don't know yet. So, you are ready to skip doing nothing for me? I'm honored" the brown haired male brought his right hand on his chest, on top of his heart. 

"Yes but just this once" I chuckled at him. The professor appeared in the class and started the math lesson. We mostly stopped our conversation here to focus on the male professor before us.

( Andrew's POV )

I walked to my dorm. That piece of s**t didn't press charges on me so I only got a warning from the school. All I could think about was what he did to (Y/n). He didn't say much so I was left in the dark. Why didn't (Y/n) tell me sooner? Was this the reason she stayed in her room for the whole Tuesday? Or did she go to see Kevin? No she wouldn't do that... Would she?

I picked my phone from my pocket. (Y/n) said her last class would be over at four o'clock. That would be right about 15 minutes ago. She hadn't called me, so I decided to call her. After few seconds she picked up the phone.

"Hey my love, where are you?" 

"I was about to call you.. I'm going to be with a friend today" 

"What? But we had plans" 

"Yes I know.. That's why I wanted to call you" 

"Wait, are you going to be with Jessica? She can join-" 

"No, I'm going to spend time with Will. Don't worry, he is very well aware of our relationship" I stayed quiet for few seconds. I can't believe she wants to spend time with another male. I want her to only be with me, to only speak to me and heck, only to look at me.

"Hello? Andrew are you there?" (Y/n) asked.

"Why would you want to spend time with him?" my voice was low. Now it was her turn to stay quiet for a few.

"Andrew, he is just a friend. I can see my friends can't I?" I furrowed my eyebrows in anger. I couldn't keep her from seeing her friends if I wanted to keep her close to me.

"I need to see you today, even if its just for a little" I needed to know what happened between her and Kevin the other day. After she agreed to see me, we ended the call. I laid on my bed, thinking what to do to keep her only around me.

                                                                             *Time skip*

I had taken a seat on a bench, waiting for (Y/n) to show up. I was going to ask her to be with me today. Soon enough I saw a certain (h/c) haired girl walking towards me.

"Hey my love" I smiled at her sweetly. She greeted me too and took a seat next to me. She flinched away from me when I tried to take her closer to me.

"So, could you explain what that pest did to you" I went straight to the point, since its all I could think about. She fidgeted her fingers while looking down at her hands.

"Well, he just cornered me and I got scared" she said quickly, clearly reluctant to talk about it. I didn't care tho, the question was burned on my skull now.

"(Y/n). I want to know what happens to you whenever I'm not around" she knew I was serious because I used her name. She seemed to think about it for a little before telling me what happened.

"And then Will ripped Kevin off of me. After that I took a run for it and stayed in my dorm for the whole day" I seated quietly for the whole explanation period. So the blue haired boy was with him on this?

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" my voice was raspy, so I cleared my throat. Now that I knew what happened I was even angrier than before.

"Because I didn't want you to get worried. Or even worse, angry" (Y/n) looked at me with a serious expression.

"I would never get angry at you for such reasons" I said, smiling softly at her. She just shook her head at me in a disapproving manner. 

"I meant Kevin. After what I saw today I know I did the right decision on not telling you" she had sad expression on her face. 

"Damn right I get angry at him. He hurt you (Y/n)"

"Yes but that doesn't mean you can hurt him for it" I had no response to that, so I stayed quiet. She stood up to take her leave, and turned to face me.

"I need to go now. Will is waiting for me" I grimaced at her, for going to see the other male. I tried to convince her to stay with me but she kept her ground. I even asked if I could join her but she shot the idea right away. 

She left me alone sitting there to see the nuisance named William. I knew I couldn't let Kevin go with what he did to my dear (Y/n), so I stayed there, thinking what to do. 


Don't worry, I did the safe reading! I probably check the last two chapters too when I have time 

So, like I always say, leave a comment and a vote!

I look forward to our next meeting

ShinyClatter to the world of darkness!   

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