7. Chapter

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It was Monday and I were sitting in class. The professor was mostly introducing himself to the class and explaining some things about the subject he was teaching -which was math. 

While the math instructor was speaking, my mind was elsewhere. I thought about Andrew and what happened last night. Andrew said nothing would change, and I trust him. Still I had this unnerving feeling which told me something wasn't right. I've had the feeling for a long time now, and its gotten only worse. 

As I was thinking, the bell rang. It was lunch time, so I headed to the huge dining hall. I was supposed to meet Andrew and Jessica there. I haven't seen Andrew since last night. I didn't see Jessica either, but I talked to her on the phone right after a certain dark haired male left.

I spotted Andrew in one of the tables. He was sitting alone, so Jessica must be on her way. I bought myself a sandwich, since I wasn't so hungry. A familiar blond boy appeared in the dining halls with two other males beside him. I hurried over to Andrew before they would notice me.

"(Y/n), my love. How was your morning?" Andrew smiled at me when I sat in the table, right across from him. He didn't have anything to eat with him, so he wasn't hungry or he just ate already.

"Oh, well it was good. How about your first classes?" I blushed a little at how he called me 'his love'. He hadn't done it before, so it felt odd.

"I was hoping you would be there, but otherwise it was okay" Andrew looked so normal when he said this, like he was just talking about weather or something just as normal.

"Sorry I'm late, I was talking with Erica on my way here" Jessica rushed over at me. She sat on the chair beside me, holding a salad in her hands. 

"Its fine. So, are you going to join the history club?" I turned my attention on the light haired female. She was thinking about joining, but didn't know for sure if she wanted to. Jessica has always loved history, but the club might take her attention away from her other studies.

"Yeah I'm going to go there tomorrow to sign in" she answered with a wide smile on her face. I wanted to join some club too, but there wasn't anything too interesting.

I felt like someone was staring at me, so I turned my head to look for the source of the feeling. As soon as I found the person glaring at me, I instantly hoped I didn't. It was Kevin and the two of his friends. The other friend had chocolate brown hair, and the other had blue hair. It was probably dyed. When my (e/c) eyes met with Kevin's Brown ones he started smirking, and he winked at me. I grimaced and looked away, to see Andrew with blank expression on his face.

"Are you okay (Y/n)?" Andrew asked, still not showing any emotion. I simply nodded and started eating my sandwich. I could still feel the burning gaze of the blond male, but decided to simply ignore it.

We started to talk about me and Andrew, who himself started the conversation. Jessica was trilled, just like yesterday on the phone. Andrew looked so happy while telling Jessica the news. I was exited too, but not as much as the two. 

                                                                                  *Time skip*

Andrew and I just finished the last period when we were sitting outside on a bench. His arm was over my shoulder, and I leaned on his chest. Andrew smelled so good. I really liked the proximity, so I snuggled on his chest. He kissed the top of my head, stroking my (h/c) hair. We didn't talk, we just enjoyed the silence and each other.

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