13. Chapter

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( (Y/n)'s POV )

While I was in the class, my thoughts wondered around Andrew. I have decided to stay with him for now, but if he was going to beat someone up again I would leave him. I didn't want to be with anyone who would lose it that easily. 

I spent yesterday with Will so I decided to be with Andrew today. It was my last class so I would see him soon. Will and I had some conversations here and there but we needed to pay attention in class. It was college after all. 

The class ended and we went our separate ways. This time Andrew didn't wait for me at the door, so I walked alone to the yard. He told me he would wait for me there. It was nothing new, but I still didn't like the idea of walking alone because of Kevin. He had the habit of appearing out of nowhere whenever I was alone. This time the walk was surprisingly calm.

"Hey my love" I heard a familiar voice greeting me. Obviously it was Andrew so I smiled and greeted him too. He was waiting for me at the gates so we could hang out of the campus today. We had plans yesterday so we decided to just move them for today. 

"What happened to your arm?" I asked, looking at the bandages on his left arm. I didn't notice it at first because of his sweater which covered them pretty well. 

"Oh this? Its nothing, I was at home yesterday and cooked dinner for myself but the knife slipped. Its nothing too serious, just a scratch" he answered, pulling down his sleeves. Andrew smiled at me sweetly, continuing our walk.

                                                                   *Time skip*                                                                                                          

We were on our way back to the campus. It was evening, not too late but past dinnertime. We were at the movies and eating. We also visited the Sawyer household. I knew Andrew was rich, but the house was just too much. It was big and clearly expensive. He had servants too! Andrew's parents were on a business trip so I didn't get the chance to meet them. I saw his dog Dexter tho, and he was so adorable. Dexter was really big, even for a Doberman so I was scared at first. 

I waved my goodbyes to Andrew and stepped inside my dorm room. I took a seat on one of the sofas and Lucy was on the other one, across from me. 

"Hey (Y/n), how was your day?" she greeted me, putting her phone aside. 

"I was on a date with Andrew so I guess it was fine. How about you?" I answered nonchalantly. When you live in a dorm, nothing remains a secret so the girls already know about me dating Andrew. Audrey and Lucy were single and Kathrine was seeing some guy from her high school. Her boyfriend was in other college so they didn't meet so often.

"Well I definitely wasn't on a date, so tell me some details? What did you two do?" Lucy was smiling excitedly, so I repeated the events for her. I left out the part of him being rich tho. After I was done, Audrey appeared to the small living room. 

"Did you two see the news yet?" she asked, her face showing no emotion. Even though I don't actually know her, I knew it was unlike her to have such an expression. She was usually smiling, even if it was just for the sake of politeness.

"No, what happened?" Lucy answered, while I just shook my head. 

"Student from this school was found murdered. I don't know who he was, but I was thinking if you knew him? His name was Kevin Rowland" Audrey looked at the both of us, seeking for a reaction. I froze when I heard the name, trying to comprehend the news.

"I don't know him. How about you, (Y/n)?" Lucy turned her attention to me, bringing me back from my thoughts. 

"Uhm.. I kind of did but no.. He was Andrew's old friend or something. They didn't get along very well tho, so I only saw the two arguing and fighting together" I kept my gaze down, not because of the sudden death but because of the staring I received. Its true, I didn't know Kevin that well. 

"Oh... I wonder if he heard about it already" Lucy said quietly, almost whispering. I was looking for a change of conversation while the atmosphere of the room dropped. As my attempt on trying to change the subject showed no results whatsoever, another presence greeted us. It was Kathrine.

"I guess you already heard" she sighed when sensing the ambience of the room. 

"Yeah, its quite shocking isn't it? Knowing someone was murdered in the same town" Audrey answered, moving on to sit beside me. 

I excused myself into the room I shared with Audrey and called Andrew. At first we spoke of the day we spent together and the movie we saw. This wasn't the reason why I called him so I tried to find myself to inform the male of the bad news. He did know Kevin after all. Even so, after I did open my mouth on the subject, I didn't get the reaction I was waiting for.

"Really? Well I guess he had it coming" Andrew didn't sound sad or even surprised. I was slightly taken aback from his almost cheerful attitude.

"W-what? What do you mean by that?" 

"He was an ***hole. I'm glad I don't have to see him again" I knew very well they hated each other but still, he shouldn't say such things. 

"You are not saying you are happy because he is dead, right?" 

"Of course not. Well, I am relieved but there is no way he could make me feel happy, even by dying" 

"But he is dead, Andrew" 

"I know. Why are you so upset? Didn't he harass you whenever he got the chance?"

"Yes but-"

"So then there is no reason to mourn over him. He wont hurt you ever again" 

I tried bringing up Kevin's loved ones and the pain they must be feeling but he would give me an answers like 'nobody loved him' and 'he was an annoyance, no one will miss him' so I dropped the subject. I had no idea how much he hated him.


Back with a new chapter! Tadaa~

So, I think I can only update on Sundays to Thursdays because I usually have busy weekends. I tried to make the time but oh well

Nothing else to say, so Ill go now!

ShinyClatter back to the darkness! 

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