3. Chapter

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I drank (tea/coffee) in the kitchen. It has been three days since I gave my number to Andrew. I didn't hear from him until last night, when he asked what I was going to do today. Clearly, I had no plans, so we agreed to see today. Jessica wasn't coming because she was sick. It was going to be just us. I glanced at the clock. 10 am. We were supposed to meet at 11 in front of the park. I finish my hot drink and get upstairs. I took a quick shower before changing clothes. By the time I was ready, the time was 10.30, so I took my leave. The walk to the park was only around 15 minutes from Jessica's aunt so I was a little early there. However, I wasn't the only one.

"Didn't we plan to meet at 11?" I ask the brown haired male. He was back turned towards me, so he didn't see me coming.

"Oh (Y/n), good morning. You came early" Andrew smiled at me. 

"Yeah I did, and still you were waiting" I say checking the time from my phone. Just as I thought, it was 10.45, so how long did he plan on waiting?

"Nah, its fine. I just arrived anyway. Well then, shall we go?" he smirks playfully at me, snaking his arm around my waist. I roll my eyes and try to move his hand away, but he has an iron grip on me. 

"Oh come on, people are going to get the wrong idea" I try to brake myself away from his grasp, while he starts dragging me away.

"People are going to get the wrong idea if you are going to keep on struggling" he simply states, paying very little attention on my attempts to free myself. 

"Ugh fine. If you want to give everyone the wrong expression, then fine." I gave up, not like it changed anything. Andrew looks at me, amused smirk on his face.

"Where are we going anyway?" I change the subject, trying to ignore the proximity between us. I looked around, realizing we were walking towards the busier part of the town.

"You'll see" was all he said. I sighed heavily, expressing my discomfort of the situation. He continued to lead me to the busy streets of the town. 

                                                                                     *Time skip*

We visited various tourist sights I haven't yet seen. He recommended restaurants, different shops and places like the theater or library. I had mentioned I liked books to him so he showed few bookstores too. It was like personal tour to places I may want to see someday. And since he was a local, he knew the town like the back of his own hand. We walked and talked enjoying the city around us. 

"How about we try one of those restaurants you mentioned earlier?" we were too busy sightseeing, so I didn't get to eat lunch.

"Actually, I'm taking you to eat somewhere else" he gave me a closed eyed smile and took my hand. We soon arrived at a really nice looking restaurant. He held the door open for me, and I stepped in. I looked the place in awe, it was really nicely furnished. There were waiters walking around, holding plates and taking orders.

Andrew walked past me to a man who was standing close to the entrance. The man was dressed like a butler. He said something to the man before turning back to me. Andrew smiled and motioned for me to follow him. We were walking behind the man who dressed like a butler, when realization hit me like a truck. This place was WAY too expensive for my poor wallet. 

"I cant afford this!" I whispered at the male who brought me here, tugging his sleeve. He turned to look at me without stopping. He looked confused for a second, before he started smiling.

"Well, good thing you don't need to pay" he whispered back before we reached a table that had a little more privacy than the rest. 

"Table for two, just as you requested, Mr. Sawyer. The waiter will arrive shortly to take your orders" the man bowed before retreating to take his place at the entrance once again. Before I could say anything, Andrew pulled a chair for me, smiling widely. I took the seat, and watched him taking the other one, across from me. 

"So, Mr. Sawyer huh?" I hadn't thought about it earlier, but I didn't know his last name.

"Yeah, my full name is Andrew Sawyer. Guess I never told you then. What about you?" 

"(Y/n) (L/n), nice to meet you" I reach out my hand for him to shake, smiling at my joke. He chuckled and shook my hand. He then gave me the menu of the restaurant. The cover was black leather, which I guessed was real. As soon as I opened the thing and looked at the prices, I closed it and put it back on the table. 

"Did you really already decide what you want?" Andrew looked at me doubtful look on his face. 

"Yeah, Ill just take a glass of water" I smiled innocently at him. Based on the prices I already saw, that water would cost as much as a meal at McDonald's. 

"What? No, you need to eat something."

"Do you realize that these dishes costs more than my life" It was my turn to look at him with a doubt painted on my face.

"Didn't I already say I'm paying? Now choose or I choose for you" he looked back at the listed foods on the menu he had. I opened mine again, only to grimace at the prices. I instantly looked for the cheapest meal available. 

"Don't look how much they costs, take whatever you want" I lift my gaze to see Andrew staring at me. He probably choose already, because his menu was on the table, closed. I turn my attention back to where it was just a second ago. I wanted to choose the cheapest one on the list, but it was duck. It sounded really simple, but I didn't want to try it, so I looked at the next one. Lamb. We'll go with that then. I smirked satisfied at my self.

"What did you choose?" the black eyed male asked. I said the dish's name and he shook his head. 

"I told you to not to look how much they cost" he said, letting out a heavy sigh. 

"What if I want to try it?" he didn't look impressed. He offered something else, and I was about to look at the price when he snatched the leather covers from me.

"I take it as a yes then" he said, placing both covers away. I didn't want to be rude, so I just played with the napkin until the waiter came. Andrew ordered for the both of us, and I refused to look at him. Instead, I directed my attention on everything else on the table.

While we waited for the food, Andrew tried to make a conversation to direct my attention elsewhere from the expensive restaurant. After getting the food I felt slightly better. Mostly because by now, I was starving.

After the dinner, we started making our way back home. The sun had already started to set when we started walking back home. Again, Andrew had insisted on keeping his arm around my waist. I actually started liking it, so I didn't mind so much. Soon we reached the park and had to part ways.

"(Y/n), I hope we see each other soon" Andrew smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile too.

"Yeah, you have my number. Call me whenever you are bored, I would love to hang out with you again" I secretly hoped he would ask me out again soon.

( Andrew's POV )

Oh, how I love her smile. I want to make her smile more. I want to- No. I need to make her mine. I just need a little patience, but she will love me. She has to.


Hi there, my lovely readers!

I wanted to know how you like the story so far, so it would be great if you could leave a comment! Also, if there is something you don't like about this story please let me know. I was planning on updating everyday, and I will as long as I have time to do so.

So yeah, leave a comment and a vote if you like the story! 

Well then, until next chapter!

ShinyClatter over and out!

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