4. Chapter

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Today was finally the day we moved to the campus. The day was going to be really busy with all the events scheduled. I was currently unpacking my things with my mother and Amy. They came to help and support me, which I was grateful of. The dorm had small kitchen, living room, bathroom and two shared bedrooms. In the other bedroom were already two girls, who were also settling in. Jessica was in other dorm apartment, much to my disappointment. Suddenly, a blonde girl rushed in the room with boxes on her hands. 

"Hey, you must be my new roommate! Nice to meet you, my name is Audrey Campbell" she introduced herself, placing the boxes on the free bed. She then turned to me, with wide smile on her face.

"My name is (Y/n) (L/n), nice to meet you too" I returned the smile politely. She looked nice, so I was grateful. This was exactly one of the things I was afraid. We chatted a little while unpacking, about things like where we were from, what it was like there and did we know anyone from here. 

"(Y/n), I think these are the last-" my mother came in, having few more boxes in her hand, stopping mid-sentence when she saw Audrey.

"Oh, you must be (Y/n)'s roommate, nice to meet you, I'm her mother" she turned to the blond female, smiling.

"I am Audrey, nice to meet you too" Audrey continued with her stuff, she was pretty late from the schedule after all. My mother brought me the last boxes and gave her goodbyes before leaving. Amy was already in the car, she didn't really like the other students swirling around halls.

After the time we had at the dorms Jessica joined me on the events. We didn't really have time to talk, that was until dinner of course. The college had a huge dining hall, where the students were able to eat lunch and dinner. Other meals were to eat at the dorms. We really didn't know our way around the place yet, but all the students were given maps which were really helpful. Besides the 'move in' is on Friday, and the first classes were to start on Monday, so we had all weekend to get used on the campus. 

I was walking with Jessica in the mass of students towards the dining area. We were talking about our roommates, and apparently, Jessica's new living companion was a shy, black haired girl whose name was Erica Woods. 

As we got to the huge room where we were supposed to eat, we got our dinner and found a empty table. 

"Oh this place is amazing! I feel pretty good about this year, I just cant wait!" Jessica exclaimed happily. I couldn't but giggle at her eagerness. Truth to be told, I wasn't as positive as she about this, not because I was a pessimist or anything. I had this unnerving feeling that something really bad was going to happen. It might just be related on the mixed feelings on starting the college. 

"Well anyway, how about Andrew? I haven't seen him all day. Wait, you don't think he is avoiding me or something do you?!" Jessica asked, faking panic at the last part. Andrew and I have been in contact nearly everyday after the so called private tour. 

"Oh, he moves in tomorrow. He didn't want to be part of the ruckus so he probably bribed someone. Besides, he moves to the bigger dorms that costs like sin" I was a little disappointed when I hear about this since he was my friend, but at the same time relieved. He yearns for attention, so now I had the freedom to focus solely on the campus and other people.

"Right, I almost forgot he's a rich kid. Well, no matter. I'm glad he's not around, so I can have you all to myself for the whole day!" Jessica winks at me, which I laugh at.

                                                                            *Time skip*

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