15 | Chapter fifteen

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Chapter 15 | You're just pathetic!

" No rose lover leaves a rose garden
without blood on their hands "


"Damian!" My eyes widened and I moved my arm away from his chest, fixing the top of my dress as he laughed, laying properly on the bed and bringing his hand over to his bare chest.

I shook my head slightly, rolling my eyes.

"Don't be embarrassed, doll, I'm practically naked right here." He looked at me with a smile.

I couldn't help but smile, sitting up on the bed and rubbing my eyes. I carefully felt the cut on my cheek, realizing I hadn't even looked at it in the mirror. I stood up from the bed, Damian following me as I walked in the small bathroom. I had straightened my hair last night so it wasn't as messy and knotty as a I thought it was going to be. My mascara had lightly smudged under my eyes and I had a few sleeping marks on my cheek, adding up to the half a inch cut on my cheekbone. I thought it was bigger, but thankfully it wasn't.

Damian yawned and raised up both of his arms, stretching them. He then opened the top drawer, already knowing the Jefferson's always kept spare toothbrushes for their guests. He grabbed an orange one and gave me a pink one. We brushed out teeth in silence, then I washed my face while he said he was gonna change into his old clothes. I rubbed the mascara from my eyes, and washed my face with soap. I dried it off then walked back in the room, looking at Damian texting someone on his phone.

"My mom's mad at me because I didn't tell her I was sleeping over someone's house." He looked at me with a smirk.

"What?" I tilted my head, walking over to him and widening my eyes at the text he sent her– " I slept over with Quinn at Larissa's place "

"Why would you say that?!" He laughed, turning off his red phone.

He smirked at me, his eyes suddenly bringing his gaze down to my neck. His smirk got wider and his fingers lightly touched my neck. I remembered that he wanted to leave a mark on my neck and apparently he did. My hand flew to my neck, closing my eyes and walked back to the bathroom. I threw my hair behind my shoulder only to find a huge red hickey, with tiny red dots on the mark. There was a small purple one on top of that one.

My eyes were widened and my mouth hang open. "What–?" I couldn't even for a proper sentence.

The hickey was about one inch in size! "Damian!"

I walked back in the room with him smirking again. He stood up and walked up to me, towering over my frame. I tilted my head up so a I could look up at him.

He still hadn't put on a shirt, so I had the perfect view of his nipples.

His fingers brought my chin to look up, then he examined my hickey again. "It's bigger than I thought it was gonna be." He chuckled, suddenly wrapping his arm on my waist and pulling me up from the floor. I squealed in surprise and gasped loudly when he threw me over in the mattress. We found ourselves in a similar position as yesterday, but this time, he had a different look on his face.

He carefully moved my hair away from my neck and with his eyes still boring into mine, he left a small kiss on yesterday's hickey. My hands flew to his shoulder slightly pulling him away. "No, don't, you're gonna give me another one!"

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