23 | Chapter twenty three

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Chapter 23 | if we're still together...

"Today is today,
But there are many tomorrow's."


"Wear a dress." Damian said over the phone.

"What type of dress?" I frowned my eyebrows, standing in my closet with water droplets dripping down my freshly shaved legs, my hair wrapped in a white towel as well as my torso.

"Fancy one? Maybe black, so we can match." Damian yawned.

I nodded, chewing on my lips. "Did I wake you up?" A small smile appeared on my lips as I brought my hand from my clothes to my mouth, biting my nail.

"Yeah, I was taking a little nap." He chuckled.

I smiled. "What did your mom say about yesterday?"

He didn't say anything for a couple of seconds. "She wasn't happy–but I'll talk to you about that during dinner. I'll pick you up at eight, remember."

"Okay. See you later."

"Bye." He hung up the phone, and I put mine on an open drawer.

I chose a plain black dress with long sleeves, that had a bit more cleavage than the ones I would normally wear and my favorite black heels. I slipped on my undergarments and my dress, placing the towels on a hanger behind the door.

I walked back to my vanity table and dried my hair, straightening it so it would feel softer. "Geez..." I murmured to myself, looking at how dead the ends were. I finally apply on foundation, concealer, mascara and blush, then put on a thin silver necklace followed by a simple and plain ring on my index finger.

When I was done, I still had twenty minutes to kill, so I cleaned up my mess on my vanity, made my bed, and tried to style my hair in a different way, but failed miserably, letting it down just like it was before. I slipped on my heels and grabbed a purse and placed my phone in it as well as my wallet and my black jacket, going downstairs to drink some water.

Damian was late.

Ten minutes, to be exact. I sat down on the couch in the lounge, waiting patiently for him to arrive.

Twenty minutes.

I decided to text him, asking his whereabouts. I waited for his reply but it never came.

I groaned and started pacing around, finally deciding to call him but he never picked up the phone either.

What was going on?

Thirty minutes.

I took off my jacket, and at that same time, the doorbell rung. I slipped my jacket back on and rushed to open the door, silently praying for it to be Damian, and thankfully, it was.

But not only Damian.

Some flowers in a bouquet as well.

My lips parted, looking at his gloved hands holding a bouquet of simple yet pretty roses, unintentionally decorated with the light snow that was falling down.

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