17 | Chapter seventeen

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Chapter 17 | Do you like me?

" But that's okay because
we're all a little broken. "


Damian got out of the bathroom wearing one of my dad's white shirt, and huge sweatpants that I had bought on Amazon without looking at the size.

I had just showered and was wearing a long black sleeved t-shirt with red sleeping pants. I looked up at him to see him drying his hair off with a towel and trying to get water out of his ears.

"You've got a nice shower." He said, leaving the towel on the doorknob.

I smiled at him, putting my phone on the nightstand and connecting it to the charger.

He sat down on my bed, looking around my room yawning.

I turned on the TV, putting it on History Channel and got under the covers, and so did Damian. He rubbed both of his hands together. "Your room is so cold."

I licked my lips nodding. "My parents like to keep the house cold."

"Why?" He frowned, fixing the pillow under his head.

"No idea." I placed the remote on the night stand next to my phone and snuggled myself closer to him, resting my head on his shoulder while he slipped his arm under my head, hugging my neck whilst pulling me closer. I slipped my arm under his torso while I sniffed my Dove scented soap on him.

He yawned again, making himself more comfortable. I watched him close his eyes with a small smile on his face while his fingers traced my cheeks lightly. Minutes passed by until I was sure he was asleep-he started snoring softly. His chest rose up and down with his even breathing and his lips were parted. The sounds coming from his throat didn't make me annoyed, instead, it reminded me of the sound of his voice-and I could listen to him talk until forever without getting bored. I closed my eyes, and surprisingly, I fell asleep quickly.

"Quinn?" I heard a voice on my ear and fingers poking my arm.

I opened my eyes slowly, looking at Damian on my bed with a startled look.

I sat up on the mattress looking up at him. "There's someone outside your door saying that your breakfast is ready."

I blinked a couple of times, still wondering what Damian was doing in my bed, looking more beautiful than anyone I had ever seen before.

He should be a sin.

"What?" I finally asked after a few seconds.

"-Quinn! Your breakfast is ready!" I heard Eleanor's faint voice behind the door.

I finally understood what Damian was saying. I slipped myself out of the blankets and walked over to the door, motioning with my hands that Damian should go to the other side of the room so Eleanor wouldn't see him.

I unlocked the door and looked at her, deciding on what to say. "Good morning, Elenor."

She smiled at me. "Breakfast is ready."

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