Chapter 4

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Travis was at home when he got the call that his wife and Child were in a terrible car accident. The tears ran down his face as he picked up the twins and drove them to his mothers house.

"What's wrong Travis" His mother asked with a concerned look.
"They were in a Car accident" Travis told her breaking down.
He loved his wife and Child dearly he would be broken and lost without them.
"I'm so sorry baby I got the kids go" His mother said pushing him out the door and he got inside the car and sped to the hospital lucky that no police cars were around.

Travis finally made it to the hospital and ran into his child's room. Aliyah was asleep with a cast on her right hand unfortunately that was her dominant hand. Travis walked up to his daughter and kissed her forehead happy that her only problem was a broken arm.

A doctor walked into the room "Excuse me are you Travis Carter" The doctor asked him.
"Yeah is my my wife alright they told me she was in the emergency room and I couldn't see her yet please tell me she's okay" Travis said standing hoping that his wife was ok.
"You might want to sit down for this" The Doctor told him.

Travis knew what he was about to be told but he simply didn't want to believe it he sat down in his chair and listened to the shattering words
"She didn't make it" The Doctor told him debating on telling him how she died or letting him calm down he decided to rip the whole bandaid off. "She had lost a huge amount of blood and had a collapsed lung but she had this in her car" The Doctor told him handing him four golden bracelets.

Travis broke down and fell to the floor his heart was shattered. Having to tell your children that their mother was dead added onto the pain. Having to see his children break down infront of him was too much pain in itself. Travis went into the bathroom and tried to calm himself down before Aliyah woke up from his sobs. But it was too late

"Mommy" her Innocent voice rang through the room. Travis walked out and held his emotions in. He didn't know if he was going to sooth her into it or just rip the bandaid off. He decided to rip it off the world wasn't going to smooth her into things so he wouldn't give her the false hope that it would either.
"Your mother is dead" Travis told her Aliyah laughed.
"That was a funny prank daddy but I know she isn't" It broke Travis heart even more knowing that his child was I denial.
"I'm serious Aliyah she's gone"

It finally clicked for Aliyah that her mother was gone. The look on her father's face was enough to convince her. She broke down and cried Travis hugged his daughter and rocked her back and forth.
"Daddy I want Mommy back" Aliyah said holding onto her dad.
"Me too baby but we don't always get what we want" He told her the words were sticking to Aliyah like glue and she was understanding them.
"But look she got us bracelets with our names on them" He said showing his daughter.

She smiled and stuck her left arm out her father put it on her and smiled
"It looks beautiful on you" He said smiling she smiled at her dad and wiped away her tears and laid on her dad's chest tired from the crying.

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