Chapter 44

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Aliyah was sitting on her porch looking at the clouds with Jordan. Then they looked at the houses right infront of her street. She made a sketch of what it looked like then she held it up right infront of her. She frowned it wasn't as good as her stars sketch but it you could tell it was the neighborhood. 

"How it look" Aliyah asked Jordan showing him the picture he clapped excitedly and smiled.

"Aww thanks Jordan" Aliyah smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Hey liyah" Miguel said smiling walking up to her porch,

"Hey glasses" Aliyah smiled and hugged him

Miguel sat on her steps and waved at Jordan who waved back at him.

"Can I wear them" Aliyah asked

"Yeah" he said.

Aliyah took his glasses off and wore them. Her vision was all messed up. Miguel looked farther away with the glasses on than off. She laughed and took his glasses off with a smile and put them on Miguel. Miguel straightened out his glasses and smiled.

"How far can you see without your glasses" She asked him

"Im basically blind without them" He told her

"Damn you couldn't see my sexy ass in your glasses" Aliyah laughed

"I can see your sexy ass now" Miguel told her looking in her eyes then at her lips.

Aliyah was a giggling mess

"Whatchu laughing so much for you are pretty mama" Miguel told her

"Thanks" Aliyah smiled

"You know I wanna kiss you right now" Miguel told her looking at her lips with a smile

"You know you're blunt right" Aliyah responded

"I know my mom tells me I am"

"Come here" Aliyah smiled and kissed him Miguel smiled and kissed back.

"Damn girl you got a nigga hard with that kiss" he told her making Aliyah burst out laughing.

Aliyah smiled and talked to Miguel while holding Jordan until Christian walked up. He was smiling at him wanting to know if he got in her pants yet since they've been talking for a while. Christian walked up to her porch and stood in front of them.

"Hey four eyes" Christian teased and waved at Aliyah

"You know my fucking name use it" Miguel snapped at him

"Aw'ight my bad anyway where's your other half" Christian asked Aliyah.
Aliyah saw Steve walking past her house he looked at her a gave her a smile before walking off holding Veronicas hand

"Uhh she's umm across the street like directly across the house from mine" Aliyah told him with a grin watching him go over to Delilahs house.

Aliyah watched as Delilah came out with a dress and she waved at Aliyah. Aliyah waved back and smiled looking at her and Christian together. Aliyah wondered where Delilah was going dressed up all fancy. Then Aliyah wanted to be taken out for a date.

"Why you gotta be so mean to Christian" Aliyah asked

"Ian mean to him he just annoying thinkin I'm stupid and shit" Christian frowned

"How he think you stupid"

"Cause he only fucks with me when pretty girls are around"

"Nah he just poking fun"

"No that nigga ain't he think messing with me, gonna make him look cooler or some dumb shit nigga be making me heated" He told her then mumbled something in Spanish he stood up and started walking down her steps.

"Where you goin"

"To my home pretty"

"I wanna go with you" Aliyah said standing up

"Ight Ima be waitin" Miguel said smiling thinking he was gonna get a quick nut.

Aliyah stood up and laid Jordan on the couch and she grabbed her shoes. Aliyah smiled and walked out the house. Miguel grabbed her waist and walked her to his house. He opened the door and no one was at home except for his sleeping brother. Miguel led her to his room and Aliyah laid on his bed. Miguel turned his T.V. on and laid next to her.

Miguel started touching her. Aliyah pushed his hand off trying to hide her smile. Miguel touched her again and Aliyah repeated her action.

"You don't want me touching you pretty" Miguel whispered kissing her neck.

Aliyah smiled with her eyes rolling back. She laid him down on his back and sat on top of him. Miguel liked her aggressiveness and he started kissing her again. He pulled his pants off and Aliyah copied.

The stripped one by one. Miguel put his condom on and slid into her. Aliyah was a little disappointed since he wasn't as big as Steve. But as soon as Miguel started moaning in a husky voice Aliyah didn't mind as much anymore. Miguel laid her ok her back and he started moving faster. Aliyah moaned his name louder.

They finished and Aliyah put her clothes back on with Miguel. He kissed her and she laid on his bed with a smile.

"Yo shit good" He said kissing her again.

Aliyah smiled feeling good. She looked out his window noticing the sun was setting. "Bye Miguel" she said kissing him and walking home

Miguel texted his friends bragging about Aliyah and how he just had sex. He laughed as they were asking him how she was and other things along the line.

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