Chapter 1

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I was sitting in my room, wallowing in pain. I was miserable, ever since he left. I honestly didn't want to live anymore. It had been two miserable months since he left. I couldn't stand it. I wanted to die, I almost starved myself to death but Charlie hospitalized me when he realized what I was doing. I was asleep one night when I had a strange dream. I never told anyone my past. I compelled Charlie and Renee to think I was their daughter, and it worked rather well. I was a vampire, but not like him. I could die in sunlight and die with a stake to the heart, but I wore a ring. It was a ring that Katherine had made for me. When I was human, I was her maid, and she changed me when I was dying of a fever. I could never thank her enough, and then Gudren left with her and I was all alone. I wanted to kill her, but I heard she was already dead.

I was sitting in the middle of a field. It looked just like Ed-his meadow and I blinked, looking at it again and saw a door and grave stones. I also saw a nice looking black girl with pretty curly hair. She was beautiful, more beautiful than me. Her copper skin glowed.

She turned to face me. "My name is Bonnie, what is yours?"

Her voice was nice, yet childlike. She couldn't be older than me.

"My name is Bella. Where am I? What am I doing here?"

"You are in Old Fell's Church. It's located in a place called Mystic Fall, Virginia. As to what you are doing here, well I'm a witch. I know, unbelievable, but I am, and I think I summoned you some how." She said. I nodded.

"Okay, and like, what am I supposed to tell you? Your going to fall in love? Your going to die in a year?" I asked, disbelief clear in my voice.

She laughed. "NO!" she made herself stop giggling. "There is trouble here. I feel it. So does my friend, Elena. We are doing a spell to try to get rid of my anscestor, Emily, from haunting me. It's not really working. As you can see, or I wouldn't be here. I don't know how you got sucked into my dream, but it's nice to have some company."

"I've always been a danger magnet. So, tell me. What is Mystic Falls like?"

She laughed. "You could say that it is dangerous. There have been animal attacks on the town. My teacher, Mr. Tanner, died, Vickie disappeared, and there have been a lot of other deaths."

Animal attacks in the city. "Bonnie, I don't think that there are any animals that attacked those people. Bonnie, those are vampires. Bonnie, VAMPIRE!"

I was near hysterics. She was looking at me in disbelief.

"Bonnie, trust me, I know what it is. I am a vampire. I can get staked and I can turn to ash in sunlight, but I don't kill people."

She looked scared of me. "Are you going to kill me?" She said in barely above a whisper.

"No, Bonnie, no. I could never kill anyone. Bonnie, is there any new people to town? Anyone that came to town and then the killings happened?"

"Well, there is Stefan Salvatore. He came at the beginning of school. About a week or two before the attacks. Then his brother came."

I was stuck when she said Stefan. I knew him. He knew me. He didn't kill a fly since he was changed. "Bonnie, it's not Stefan. Anyone else?"

"His brother, but I saw him once. He wasn't the killing type. His name is Damon, I think."

Damon. Ah, I knew him, too. I had a crush on him since I first met him.

"It's not Damon. What if I came there? I could help you find them. I need to get out of Washington, anyway." I said. She looked hesitant.

"As long as you don't kill me, you can come here."

"Thank you so much, Bonnie. I will transfer to the high school there. I know Stefan and Damon. They wouldn't hurt a fly, but Damon needs to be watched," I winked, "He can be rather persuasive when he wants something, but won't stop to get it."

She giggled. "I noticed."

"I will see you soon. I look forward to seeing you again."

She nodded. "Bye, Bella!"

"Bye, Bonnie!"

I disappeared into darkness.

I woke up and knew where I had to go. I had to go to Mystic Falls, Virginia. I packed all of my bags and threw them out the window. They landed with a soft thud. I don't know who Bella Swan is, but she died a long time ago, I think it was in a car crash. I ran out the window and toward the school. There was always a homeless person there. I know, that was mean, but I need the blood, and I am not going to live off of animals. I don't kill them. I just compel them and they don't remember. It works well.

I saw the lady I usually used on nights when I needed a sudden Power surge.

"Ah, I see your back. Go ahead, take a bite!" she giggled. Yeah, did I mention she was a little crazy.

I bit into her neck. It was always painless if they were willing. She moaned in pleasure. Once she was getting unconscious, I set her down and looker her in the eye. I felt my power surge up.

"You never met me."

"I never met you." she said back. I took off before she could blink. I went from house to house, erasing people's memories of me. I did a long distance erase of Renee, but I couldn't erase the Cullen's minds, much to my disappointment. I could only make them do what I wanted, and sometimes, that didn't work.

"I guess they will remember me." I sighed. Oh, well, they never really loved me, deep down. I made them, really. I didn't love Edward, but he was good looking. Really good looking. Oh well.

I grabbed my bags and headed off toward Mystic Falls, Virginia.

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