Chapter 14

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I was embarrassed, but hid it with a smile. "Felix, how good of you to drop by!" I said, squealing. He rolled his eyes and ran up to me. I pulled him into a hug and he spun me around.

"What brings you here, kitty!" I said, forgetting Edward was there until he cleared his throat.

"Oh, yes, of course. Felix, this is Edward, my ex. Edward this is Felix Volturi, my ex-ex-ex-ex-ex-ex-ex-ex-ex-ex-ex-ex-"

"Something near there. How many after me?"

I laughed. "Too many to count. Let's see, there was Demetri, Alec, Marcus, Benjamin, Stefan, Vladimir, Garrett, Santiago, when I came back for a few weeks, then, James, Laurent, Randall, Alistair, a few humans, I think their names were: Matt, Charles, Justin, who was really hot, Akiko, Fin, Fang, he had wings and was totally hot, Klaus, Chow, Thomas, Alfred, Fred, Alexander, Prince Charles, Terrance, Otis, Christian, Jason, Tony, and then Edward. There might have been a few more. I don't remember. A five hundred years does that to you!" I laughed.

"Bella, you were going out with Felix?" Edward asked. I laughed.

"Hell no! I married him!" I showing him the wedding ring that I took everywhere. Edward's eyes bulged.

"I can't believe you kept the ring!" Felix laughed.

"It was beautiful! Only a fool would give it back."

"You married him!" Edward said, recovering from his shock.

"Yeah, she and I were bound at the hip."

I laughed, "Or somewhere else!"

He chuckled. "Really, Bella-pop? I thought Marcus taught you better than that!"

I laughed. "Marcus taught me a lot of things."

"Bella, you went out with Marcus of the Volturi?" Carlisle asked.

I turned to face the rest of the family, who was now there. Stefan and Damon were here also. "Guys, this is Felix Volturi, my ex-husband, Felix this is the Cullen's, and Stefan and Damon. They are my kind." He shook everyone's hands.

"Yes, I went out with Marcus, for like a few months. I had to break it off because this jerk over here!" I said, thrusting a thumb at Felix's face. "Wouldn't stop fighting over me with Demetri, I had to break it up and that is what I told Emmett. Let's see, do you want to know what happened after Felix?"

They nodded. "Alright, after Felix, I dated Demetri, then Alec, Marcus of the Volturi, got in a fight with the first two, Benjamin, Klaus-"

"You went out with Klaus!" Stefan shouted. I nodded.

"He liked me and if I said no, he was going to kill me. I couldn't say no! Think of all the guys that were still out there!" I said, as if that was an explanation. Rose and Alice nodded. "After Klaus, I dated Santiago, when I came back to Volterra. Then James. He was after me ever since I broke up with him. He tried to kill me, and living near you, I couldn't feed, so I was weak. Then, I dated Laurent, that's why he didn't join that fight, then Randall, Alistair, a few humans, I think their names were: Matt, Charles, Justin, Akiko, Fin, Fang, he had wings and was totally hot, Klaus, Chow, Thomas, Alfred, Fred, Alexander, Prince Charles, Terrance, Otis, Christian, Jason, Tony, and then Edward. There might have been a few more. I don't remember."

They all looked at me astonished, except for Felix. He was adoring this moment. "What! I haven't had a serious boyfriend since the fifties! Randall and Alistair really weren't boyfriends, they just would follow me around like Mike did. I compelled them to like me more. That's when we started to really date. The humans were just for food, and some play time, nothing more. Carlisle, I knew your three year old sister. When you disappeared, I took care of her. She was a sweet thing. I had to leave before the towns folk burnt me, so I compelled some old lady to watch over her as her own. Sarah Cullen. Yes, she took the new name of Sarah Jennings. She moved to America on the Mayflower."

"Sarah survived!" Carlisle asked.

I nodded. "She had a long happy life. I watched over her for a couple of decades. She had children and then died at the old age of fifty-four. That was ancient back then. I went around, caring for orphans, then went to Texas. I met Jasper's mother, Theresa, and we talked about the news and war. Your father and her wanted me to marry you! I told her I couldn't. She 'understood.' When you disappeared, she was completely devastated. I went to your beautiful funeral. Your parents really cared for you. Don't you remember me, Jasper? I was Isa Marie Gonzalez."

"Oh, yes! I remember! Father kept asking me to marry you! I told him that you and I weren't even close. Your fake father, I assume, tried to make an arrange marriage, but at the last minute, decided not to."

I laughed. "Yes, Isa was probably my favorite name. It was fairly modern for the time. Oh! And Emmett, me and your sister, Jessica, we were best friends, then you disappeared and the police were after you! I think you and I dated for a while. I think that was how I knew Jessica. She was older than us. Yeah! Okay, so Em and I dated in between Thomas and Alfred. Sorry, I forgot you, Em."

Em chuckled, "Really? I dated my little sis? Now, that is gross."

"I wasn't your little sis then, Em. You were all muscle and I was all 5'5 and bone. I remember you now!"

Rose looked livid while Em was laughing. "I don't remember!" Rose relaxed.

"Whatever, anyway, Felix, when are you leaving?"

"Ah, that is the fun part, Bella-pop. Aro said to follow you around for a few months."

I laughed, "That sounds just like him. What does he want from me this time?"

Felix laughed. "He just wants the Princess back. You made Marcus smile for the first time in a while! He misses you. At least visit."

"If I visit, he will make me stay for a few years, and then he will get me into another relationship. I will go there after all the trouble here is over. There is some problems I feel coming."

Felix smiled. "Alright, Izzy!" I gasped.

"Do not use my fifties name! I hated that name!"

He just laughed. "Riiiiiight. How come your latest birth certificates for your next school say Izzy?"

"Becauzzzzzzz. . . I ran out of names to use. Bella only lasts so long."

Felix chuckled and pulled me into a hug. I saw my watch.

"Holy shit! We have five minutes to get to school!" I said. Stefan ran to his room and I ran to mine, getting my things. I threw them into the Audi and ran back in.

"No killing eachother, and what not! Stay alive, and I'm sure, Felix, Emmett, and Damon will get along great. See you later, at about three, Edward, Alice, Jasper, we gotta go!" Stefan ran past me and I stopped him.

"My car!" I told him. He nodded and the Cullen's zoomed out. "My car, you guys. It will be faster and this baby does one fifty."

They ran in and I started the car. I pulled it into reverse and backed out. I pulled in in drive and we zoomed down the road, through the cemetary, at one twenty. I swerved and slowed, pulling into the school's parking lot. I saw Bonnie and Elena's group outside waiting, with everyone else. We had three minutes.

"Damn, I didn't know you could drive like a Cullen!" Jasper laughed. I smiled.

"Alright, Alice, come with me. Boys, get registered." I got out of the car, Stefan was already going over to Elena. I pulled Alice along and stopped in front of Bonnie.

"Everyone, I would like to introduce Alice, Alice, this is Bonnie, Meredith, Matt, and Elena and Stefan."

Bonnie stepped forward. "Oh, I am so looking forward to this afternoon. There is a mall nearby."

Alice laughed. "No, no. We are going to the mall near the closest big city. They should have a lot of designers and clothing stores. Your wardrobe is fine, we just need to liven it up a little." Bonnie's eyes widened.

"I told you, Bonnie." I laughed, walking off to class.

She walked away, talking to Alice, when she saw me looking at her, she mouthed, "HELP!"

I laughed and walked into the class Elena and I had. And guess who was sitting next to my seat? You guessed it, Edward.

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