Chapter 3

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They gasped. I looked up, not having looked up before, and met Damon's eyes. I looked away and stared at the wall.

"What do you mean?" Damon said, angelic voice.

"She faked it. She faked her death to get you two to get along. She is watching us. She has been watching you. She is probably watching us right now!" I whispered.

"How do you know?"

All my anger came out on them.

"I was her fucking maid, that's how I know. I was her fucking maid when she was human! I was her fucking maid when she was a vampire. She faked her death, and left me with her father. I was her fucking slave! I was her fucking piece of trash when she was in love with you two!" I growled. Damon looked impressed. "Have any of you ever seen a white owl with a gold back?"

They seemed confused by the change in subject but Damon got it. Stefan nodded while Damon looked horror-struck.

I flashed a dazling smile. "That's her. She is watching you. Looking for a moment to get back at you. She is waiting for a moment of weakness. She is going to kill you for throwing away her gift."

"And how does a charming young maiden, such as yourself, come to learn this?" Damon asked.

I flashed him a smile, "Because, Damon, she is in the barn. I lived with her all my life. When she was a vampire, she changed into an owl right in front of me. I would recognize it anywhere. That's her. She and Gudren left and she had a pile of ashes and her favorite dress set on the garden. Did you notice how the ashes looked weird. How they were slightly yellow? She put them with animal fat. I've had five hundred years to figure this all out, Stefan, Damon. I know how she thinks. She was as twisted as Klaus." I shuddered at the memory of him.

"Are you absolutely sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure." I paused, thinking of some way to communicate with someone that knew what to do. "Bonnie goes to school, to Robert E. Lee, right?" I asked anyone.

Stefan nodded. "Yes, she's Elena's friend."

I nodded. "That's what she said. She said that there were suspicious animal attacks. That people were dying. There was Mr. Tanner, Vickie going missing, and other random people dying in the middle of the road. I know she's doing this. She is trying to frame you two. She wants to get her revenge by exposing you. If that doesn't work, she is going to lure you to where she is hiding."

Damon looked pleased I knew so much. I knew it was a mistake to show knowledge in front of him. From what I heard, he uses you until you have no purpose, then he kills you.

They are wrong about you, you know? I directed at Damon. He raised an eyebrow.

And what would that be?

They think you are a cold blooded killer.

Maybe I am.

You're not. I can feel the guilt you have for killing Mr. Tanner, but you also don't feel guilty because it was self-defence.

How do you know all this?

Let's just say, I learned from Katherine and Klaus well.

You really are something, you know that?

Oh, believe me, I know.

I smiled my favorite dazling smile, and Damon seemed to be in a trance.

"Where is she hiding?"

"I don't know. I need to talk to Bonnie. She and I can access someone's mind that knows what to do. I trust them with everything. They are vampire's too, but not our kind. They can go in the sunlight without rings, but here is the cheesy part, they SPARKLE!"I erupted into laughter. Damon's laugh came right after mine. Stefan looked as if I lost my marbles.

"Are you okay?" He asked, concerned.

"Oh, I am fine. I just couldn't believe it. When I found out, I almost broke down on the spot. Seriously, they sparkle in sunlight," I thought of Alice. I missed her. "I know one of them that can see the future. She can see it based on what people decide, by what path they are on. If Katherine plans to do something, she can tell us and we can be ready." My throat and gums ached. "Are there any tasty humans around?" I asked Damon.

I knew of Stefan's diet. It was disgusting.

"You drink human blood, too?" Stefan asked.

"Yeah, of course. I mean, animal blood is disgusting. You should taste a deer sometime, they taste like brussel sprouts to a human! Absolutely retched!"

Damon laughed. "Deer is his favorite!" I giggled.

"You can't be kidding? Deer? That is like. . .GROSS!" I was laughing.

"Here, let me show you around. I found a few useful humans around." He held out his hand. I took it.

"Let's go!

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