Chapter 17

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"Bonnie, call her."

"Emily, I summon you. I ask of you to come out and spell for me what you want me to do for you."

The pointer was moving, and only Bonnie and I were touching it.

T - E - L - L - T - H - E - S - H- I- N - E - Y - O - N - E - S - T- H- E- Y - A - R- E - I- N - D - A - N - G- E- R

It stopped moving. Alice was writing it all down.

It moved again on its own, Bonnie had released it.

T - H- E - B- R- O- N- Z- E- O- N- E - P- L- A - N- S - R- V- E -N - G-E A- G- A- I- N - S - T - T -H -E -O- N- E- T- H -A -T- S - A- V -E -D -M - Y- F -A -M -I - L-Y

It stopped again. Alice started to break them into words, it began moving.

A - D- E- A- L- I- S - A - D- E- A- L

It stopped.

"Emily. How did you die?"

H- U- N -G - F - O- R- W- I- T- C - H - C -R -A -F -T

"Emily, can you show up in spirit form to talk?" I asked, expectantly.

The curser moved toward the yes sign. I sighed in relief.

There was a cloud of mist and then there was a girl that looked like a younger version of Bonnie standing by the mirror.

"I do not envoke harm. I only ensure the safety of the one that saved my family. The two enemies live in this house, fighting over my long lost friend."

It clicked. "Emily Bennett? Is that really you? Emily, I missed you! May I?"

She nodded, smiling.

"Emily is Bonnie's ancestor, but also my closest friend. Her and I served under Katherine together. She was accused accused of witchcraft, and one of the Salvatore brother's kept her family in hiding until they were thought dead. Emily, who kept your family safe. Who is fighting over me?"

"The bronze haired one and the older Salvatore. I wasn't in Katherine's closest circle. I never knew their names."

"Damon. Edward's going after revenge with Damon. I have to stop them. Emily, I know this may be much, how can I stop them."

She went all prophetic on me for the first time since the fifteen hundreds.

"They will lose what they value most at the hand of thy selves. For they shall kill the one that troubles them the most in order to truely fight for what they have lost. One suvives while the other is a pile of ashes."

She looked fully human, if she weren't floating.

"Emily, who are they going to kill?" I heard a commotion. I ran off toward it.

I heard Emily scream, "Bella, don't it's-"

"Stop, fight-" I ran into the room and gasped, feeling the pain in my chest. I looked down and saw a stake, plunged into my chest, right through my heart. I looked up to the owner of the hand that grasped it and smirked a little. Edward quickly pulled the stake out. I collapsed on the ground. Emily and the others all rushed in. Damon picked me up and carried me to his bed. I wasn't looking at things through my body anymore, I was on the ceiling. Emilly was looking straight at where I was watching my body.

"Bella, come down. Get into your body, you will die if you don't."

"Emily, if I don't make it, tell Damon I love him."

Emily nodded and I floated toward my body. I layed there and Damon slit his wrist, placing it in my mouth. I couldn't drink. I couldn't feel. I just wasn't there. Emily came over to me, and I felt dark, cold, and all alone. I was dead.

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