Chapter 20

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With a little of my persuasion - hint, hint - I got Edward to take full blame. I got off scot-free. I ran back outside and saw the Cullen's waiting in my car.

"You could have ran home or something." I muttered. Alice frowned.

"Edward's not coming with. We should leave before he tries to get in the car."

I nodded and started the car, backing up, and driving out in five seconds flat. When we reached the boardinghouse, Edward was already there, glaring at me.

I got out of the car and locked it, concerned for its safety. "If you didn't want to get suspended, you shouldn't have attacked the new girl, especially when she knows how to 'persuade' someone to do whatever they want. Not to mention I am super hot."

Edward glared and I walked in. I felt someone flash beside me. I looked but they disappeared. Not a sparkly vamp then. I saw the shadow shift.

"Who's there?" I called. It was my kind, that was for sure.

The shadow shifted again and the Cullen's came around behind me. I heard a laugh, and it sounded familiar.

"Who is that? Do I know you?"

I looked at the flash disappear behind me. "Go ahead, guys. I got this. Just a little infestation of the dead."

I heard a quiet laugh and the Cullen's looked unsure to leave me. I waved my hand and they left.

"Who is it? Show your self!" I said. I was tackled from behind and a familiar voice whispered in my ear.


I smiled. "Lexi, did you really need to scare the blood out of me? I could have killed you right here, right now."

Lexi laughed, brushing her blond hair out of her eyes, helping me stand up. "Yes, you are so funny when you are scared."

I rolled my eyes giving her a hug. "Why are you here?"

"I wanted to see my three favorite people. Besides, I thought it was time to celebrate someone's birthday."

"Who's?" I was curious. From what I knew, it wasn't mine.


I squealed. "We are throwing a party. Come, come. Meet the rest of the gang and some people I needed help from."

"You. . .needing help. Bella, who are you?"

"I am the greatest girl ever, and I got my sista from another mista right next to me!"

She rolled her eyes and went straight to the liquor cabinet, grabbing some vodka. I laughed and stood at the stairs.

"YO! Every vampire better get their ass down here this instant! That includes you two, Salvatore! Cullen's front and center!"

They were all down in an instant, and when Damon and Stefan started down the stairs, I ran up to them and covered their eyes.

"No peeking. You have to see this for yourselves."

I helped them down the rest of the steps and Lexi stood in front of them. "Guess who?"

Damon looked puzzled, Stefan smiled, whipping my hand off of him. "LEXI!" He ran up to her and grabbed her in a hug. The Cullen's looked confused and Damon smirked.

"Lexi? I thought you were dead. Still breaking hearts I see."

He looked her up and down. Lexi smiled. "Are you offering?"

Damon chuckled. "No. I don't want my heart broken. What brings you here?"

I warned Lexi with my glare not to tell him the real reason. "Oh, nothing. I just thought I might stop in for a visit. Is that a crime?"

Damon looked at the oogling Cullen's. "It is when you are going to break their hearts, but then again, go ahead. I don't mind. They are Bella's friends, not mine."

I laughed, wrapping my arm around Lex's neck.

"You still on that insane diet? What was it, blood packets?"

Lex laughed, "Donors, Bella. You should try it. They may not be warm, but they are nearly as good."

I laughed, "I like my blood a toasty 98.6." Damon and I said together. I smiled at him.

Lex looked between us two and the at the Cullen's. "Who are you?"

"My name is Carlisle Cullen, this is my family. Esme, my wife, my son's Jasper, Emmett, and Edward. My daughter's, Rosalie and Alice."

"Who's the single one?"

"Maybe your time will come after all. You are what, three hundred? It's about time you get yourself a mate."

She froze and looked at me. "You just don't go blurting out a womans age!"

I smiled and remembered something about Lex and Carlisle. They were about the same age.

"Lex, what was your human name again?"

"Alexis Poppy Cullen. Wait, didn't you say that that was their name?"

I smiled, "Who were your parents?"

"Jeremy and Charlotte Cullen."

Carlisle gasped. "Jeremy was my son. I changed before he was born."

I clapped and smiled. "I knew it! You look so much alike! You should hang out, get to talk about your past. Oh, wait, watch out for Edward. He has the bronze hair. He's been trying to kill me."

"Yes, I apologize for Edward's behavior, Bella. What he did at school today was absolutely unacceptable."

I laughed, Damon looked confused, "What did he do at school?"

I smiled, "Let's just say I won't be seeing him in school for a few weeks."

"He fought Bella and got suspended." Stefan said.

"Can't you leave anything to the imagination. You could have said something like, 'you should have been there' or 'it was the best thing I have ever seen.'"

Stefan chuckled. "He was bound to find out sooner or later."

I sighed, "Your right. Alright, all vampires to the living room!" I noticed the Volturi still standing there, amused. "Oh, crap, I forgot about you guys. Lex, this is my 'family' I guess. Aro, Marcus, Caius, Felix, Demetri, Alec, Jan-"

"I remember you. I was at the wedding. So, Felix, I see Bella broke your heart?"

Felix chuckled and stepped forward, doing the same thing I did to Lex when they all came down. "Yes, Lexi, she did. She has moved on. . . gone to travel the world to find bigger and better things."

"From what I heard, she can't find anything bigger." Lex said, looking down and back up. I swear I would have blushed. Emmett and Felix burst out laughing.

"Lex, what the hell? Can't you just like not talk sometimes?" I said, clearly embarrassed.

Lex laughed, "No. You know I can't keep secrets, so don't tell me them."

I noticed Emily floating back in from the front door. I ran over to her. "Hey, Em, did you find any one?"

Emily smiled, "A select few. There is one that lives in Fairfax that looks just like me."

I smiled, "We will get her whenever your ready. I am sure you remember Lexi." I motioned toward where Lexi was and saw that her and Carlisle were in a deep conversation.

Emily nodded, "Yes, I have visited her in hopes of contacting you a few times."

I nodded, "So. . . come sit and let's get this party started!" I rolled my eyes as she floated through the wall and sat on top of the dresser. This was going to be an interesting conversation.

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