Chapter 8

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I can do it. Can you pick up: something that reminds you of that person and a tulip? Text or call me when you get them. Bonnie

I knew what I needed, a bee and a tulip. Alice is like a bee. She is strong and graceful at the same time.

I ran toward the boardinghouse garden. I saw a tulip and a bee. Just my luck, huh? I grabbed a bee between two fingers so that it couldn't sting me or get away, and I plucked a tuliup. I grabbed them and pulled my phone out with my other arm.

I have them, where should me do this?

I waited a few minutes and then she texted back.

That was fast. My house is fine. I have everything we need here. You can come in. I am going to be in my room.

She invited me in, so I could come in. I ran toward her house.

I'll be there in a minute.

I ran toward her house, following her scent, and jumped up to her window. She was sitting there, in a white chalk circle with a bowl of water and a pile of sticks. I opened her window and jumped in. She jumped.

"Sorry." I said.

"No, you warned me you were coming."

I nodded and showed her the stuff.

"Take a seat in the circle. Place the flower in the water and the. . ."


"Bee in the pile of sticks. Is it dead?" I shook my head. "Kill it, then put it in the sticks."

I squeezed the bee a little more than it could take and dropped it in the sticks, and placed the tuliup in the water gently.

"Is this girl, um, is she like you." Bonnie asked, concerned.

"No." She relaxed, ugh. "She kinda is, but she doesn't eat humans, she eats animals. She calls herself a vegetarian. She is a vampire, yes, but a different kind. What do we have to do?"

"We light the fire and I say a Celtic chant three times. A sort of portal opens and I can communicate with her, through her head, it's only one way, and there is a time limit, I think. I've never done this before, but my grandmother has. Do you have anything you want to say to her?"

"Yes, if you don't mind, I need you to tell her: Volturi are coming to get Bella in Mystic Falls, Virginia. She needs her families help. They acquired a guard to block her visions."

"Okay so, Volturi are coming to get Bella in Mystic Falls, Virginia. Bring the family, and they have a guard to block her visions?"

I nodded. "Do you like shopping, Bonnie?"

She nodded, excited. "I love it!"

"This girl, Alice, shops until her credit card maxes out, and then she keeps going. I think you'll like her. She hates everyone's wardrobe except for hers and her sisters, but yours is nice. You have good taste. Her name is Alice."

She grinned. "I can't wait! Alright so let me get this straight. You said that the Volturi are after you, being her here, and bring the family?

I nodded, "Volturi out to get Bella, Mystic Falls, Virginia, bring the family."

She nodded and I could tell she was repeating it over and over in her head.

"Let's get this started." She said, rubbing her hands together. She held them over the wood and fire appeared. She stirred the flower around three times.

"Swift on the heel thou comest,

Thrice summoned by my spell,

Thrice troubled by my burning,

Come to me without delay."

She said three times. I just now realized the candle that was burning. "Now, we wait for the candle to burn to the pin. Before you came, I put a pin in it."

I nodded and watched the candle burn. It eventually reached the pin and Bonnie sucked in a breath. She went into a trance and I saw her stare at the candle. Five minutes later, she looked at and smiled.

"She said she would come. She was so pissed that her vision didn't work, but then she was like, 'oh my god! Bella's in danger! I have to tell Edward. He is going to be so pissed that I talked to one of Bella's friends.'"

"That's Alice alright. So, she knows where to go and she's bringing everyone?"

She nodded. "Yes, and they won't kill me?"

"No, they don't kill any humans. None. Nada. Nilch."

"Good. You weren't kidding about her and shopping were you?"

I laughed. "No way. Once someone mentions shopping, she drives to the nearest mall and buys the whole store. Thank you so much for doing this. I owe you big."

She gave me a hug. "As long as Alice and I can go shopping, you can go ahead and cancel that debt."

I laughed. "Trust me, you are going to wish that you didn't go shopping with her. If she bugs you too much, light her on fire. That was pretty cool."

She laughed. "Thanks. I practice, you know. You have to be ready. Guys these days don't know when to stay away."

"I totally agree with you. I have to go. Mrs. Flowers is going to wonder where I am."

"That old lady? She couldn't care less." She looked at my dark eyes and took a wary step back. "You need to feed, don't you?"

I nodded. "I'm sorry. I should probably go now, before I do something I'll regret. Like, feed from you, for example."

She nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Definately. Unless, the Cullen's get here before school. They may hold me back a little bit."

"Are they that bad?"

"No, no. They think that I love their son. It was a funny show, I assure you. I just got close to the family, because I knew they were vampires. They were just different. Maybe, I could get them to fight for me? That would be a fun show to watch, really fun . . ." I trailed off and looked at Bonnie, who was laughing. "What?"

"You sound just like Damon." She giggled.

"What? The 'I'm going to make them grovel' or the 'they thought they loved me' part?"

"Both!" She laughed. I smiled.

"It was nice talking to you. I'll see you tomorrow, even if the Cullen's come."

"Bye!" She said.

"Bye!" I said, jumping out the window.

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