Chapter 18

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"Is she alive or dead?" Alice cried.

Emily and Bonnie answered in unison. "She is neither. She is spending time in her spirit form until she can heal her body properly. Vampire blood cannot heal a vampire, Damon."

Damon looked up, his wrist still on my mouth. I wanted to scream, tell them I was alright. I tried to move my arms, and I managed to twitch my fingers.

"Emily," I said, "tell Carlisle to call Aro. Aro needs to know."

She nodded. "Carlisle, Bella says to call Aro."

"I will call as soon as possible." I heard Carlisle respond. I tried moving my arm. I managed to move my wrist. I swallowed, and I drank some blood. Damon noticed because his eyes flickered to mine and he breathed a sigh of relief. I was stonger. I sat up a little, but darkness evaded my vision, and I passed out. I don't know how long afterwards, but I eventually woke up from the soft chiding of Emily, trying to get me to remain stronger. I was thinking about Aro and Damon. They needed me. I was the Volturi's secret weapon, no vampire that was like them knew how to kill me, unless you knew me. I stirred.

"She is back. She finally figured it out. She can only survive if that is what she truely wants and has something worth living for."

"God, this is embarrassing. First, I kick your ass and then you stake me and I am dead. That is sorta ironic, if you ask me."

"Bella, I didn't mean to! I was suprised when you entered and I spun around. I didn't mean to kill you!" Edward pleaded.

I laughed. "So, what were you going to do? What were you doing in here in the first place? You were going to stake Damon. That is what you were going to do in the first place." Edward looked at the ground guilty. "Emily, thank you so much. I just - thank you!" I held out my arms and she walked into them, willingly.

"I missed you, Isa. When I died, I tried to get Katherine to give my necklace to you, so you would always remember the sister you never had, but Katherine never wore it. Bonnie did, and that was how I got her to communicate with you. I tried for years, I swear!"

I hushed her. "I don't care if you only tried for five minutes. You are talking to me now and that is all that matters."

"Yes, but I will have to leave soon." She sighed.

"Is there a way to make this permanent?"

She nodded, "You have to take a human and I will have to move into them, possess them in a way, but they won't remain there anymore. I will be in complete control."

"Emily, if you want to become more human, I will gladly find a body for you. Does it have to be living?"

The Cullen's gasped. "Oh, come on! I feed from humans! What do you expect? Dead humans are just nature to me! They are like rats. One dead only makes more of them reproduce. Ugh, and they are always stinky. Witches are more natural and smell like a garden. Sparkle Vampires are like a tundra, but my kind are more in touch with what witches tell us. So, really, humans that die on my hands don't really bother me."

An evil glint must have been showing in my eye, because they all took a small step back. I noticed twelve cloaked figures and two that weren't cloaked, but veiled. I knew them immediately.

"Aro! Caius! Marcus! Demetri! Alec! Jane! Heidi! Corin! Afton! Renata! Santiago! Felix! I missed you all so much! And of course I missed you too, Sulplicia and Athenodora!"

They all smiled and I ran toward them, engulfing them all in a hug. I pulled away.

"Bella, don't you dare do that to me again!" Jane said.

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