Chapter 15

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Throughout class, Edward was eyeing me and my opal ring. It made me self-conscious. Eventually he gave up staring and handed me a note.

So, you and Felix were married? -Edward.

Elena saw this and gasped, causing several eyes to go on her. I rolled my eyes and made everyone in the room forget about it, except Edward and Elena.

You were married? I mean, I know your five hundred years old, but I didn't expect you to get married. -Elena

Yes, Elena, I was married, and the guy is in town, how ironic, huh? -Bella

I wrote back to Edward.

Yes, Edward, I was married to Felix, a hundred years ago. The opal ring is my wedding ring. It is beautiful. -Belle.

How long ago? Two, Three hundred. - Elena.

I heard Edward look at Elena, reading her mind no doubt.

STOP IT EDDIE! I yelled in his mind. He looked at me with wide eyes, I gave him an innocent smile and wrote back to Elena.

One hundred to be exact, one hundred in three days. I divorced him ninety years ago, but we are still good friends. I started to date his brother, oops. hehe. -Belle.

Elena giggled.

Were they all vampires?

I nodded.

Did they all like you or did you compel them?

I compelled most of them, after my ex-hubby, I compelled everyone I met in the fifties onward. I just didn't care about real feelings. I still compel people to like me, just guys though. I don't compel girls, that would be sick, but compelling doesn't work with my kind, I could only compel other types of vampires, human, witches, and werewolves, or anything inbetween. -Bella.

You compelled me! -Edward.

Yes, Edward, I compelled you. Not a lot, you still felt what you felt, I just compelled you to do things for me, like hunt, go somewhere so I could feed, and if you did see me feed, I would make you forget. I didn't change your feelings drastically, just a little. I only touched yours. -Bel

There are werewolves? -Elena

Yeah, Elle, can I call you Elle? It's so much easier than Elena. There is just about every mythical creature out there, except for the types of witches that can fly in the moon. Witches don't really fly like that.

So what I felt wasn't real? -Edward.

NO, what you felt WAS real, you just were influenced to feel more than you should. Your family's love was real, yours just was a tad stronger, because of me. -B

Oh, so werewolves and witches and goblins and ghosts all exist then? Yes, you can call me Elle, if you like. I like it. -E

Yes, they all exist. -B

So, I kissed you because I wanted to, not because you did? -Edward

I nodded and the teacher started to walk over, again. I looked him in the eye and when Edward started to put away the notes, I put my hand out to stop him. The teacher had a confused look then walked away.

You kissed me because you wanted to, that's it. No more on the subject. Yes, I was married, yes, I had like four hundred boyfriends, and at least five husbands. -B

Do you know the new kids? -E

Yeah, I dated Edward, the guy sitting next to me, before I moved here. He broke up with me before Bonnie called me. -B

What do you mean she called you? -E

Um, she just picked my name out of a phone book and called me, asking for help? I don't know, maybe she just had one of her psychic 'attacks' -B


I rolled my eyes.

Yes, LIKE five husbands, could be more, could be less. I have to check my ring box when I get back to the boarding house. They were mostly humans to keep up appearances. Felix was the only vampire. All my other marriages were before Felix. -B

Then, you don't know about Bonnie being a witch? -E

Oh, I knew, I just didn't know if you knew. That is why the Cullen's came here. I didn't want to tell you her secret. I had the Bonnie call the Cullen's with a summoning spell and they arrived last night. Bonnie found me in a dream and told me what was happening. It is awful, but the problem is gone, and I feel it gone. Katherine is dead for good, I just killed her last night. You should be safe -B

You really like Felix, huh? -Edward

I nodded.

He was funny, laidback, down to Earth, and let me make my OWN DECISIONS! I wasn't controlled like some puppet. I was treated like the Princess of Volterra. I made my own mistakes and I didn't lead a perfect life. I had adventure, I had freedom, I had. . . spirit! I didn't have that with you, I didn't have that at all. I didn't make my own choices, you bossed me around, and I allowed it, but I shouldn't have. It only led you on, and to tell you the truth, I don't know why I put up with it. -B

You KILLED Katherine?

Yes, she died very painfully and she was pissed as hell that her 'best friend' killed her. Yeah, I was NOT her best friend. She was far from it. ha! Sorry, I'm telling you these problems and they don't need to concern you. -B

Why are you telling me all of this? -Edward

You deserve to know. I have to go, class is out. -B

It's okay, see you later. -E

I got up and packed up my books. I absent mindedly got my notes and homework. Oh, well. I will have to learn it eventually, right? I went to my next class, and Edward had all my classes, on purpose, no doubt. When the final bell rang, I went outside. "Shit, you guys have to ride, don't you? Alright, hop in!" I said, seeing they were at my car. Stefan chuckled, along with Jasper. Alice sat up front so the guys were out back. I pulled out and sped out of there like the sun seeing the shadows for the first time, skidding. I slammed on the brakes at the stop light. Alice laughed.

"Damn, you got skill!"

I laughed. "Oh, you don't even want to know how much. How about a street race, the Old Road, midnight. We meet outside the boarding house. All vampires in the area are a the finish line."

Alice nodded. "You are on!" She went into the future and frowned. "But, you win! How do you win?"

I smiled. "I told you, I have skill. Now, is the race off?"

The light turned green and I hit the gas. I was still looking at Alice and Stefan looked scared, Jasper looked nervous, Edward looked, I couldn't place his emotion. We kept driving and Alice called the race off, seeing no way to win. I pulled in and ran out of the car, nearly tripping. I opened the door and ran into Damon. Oops.

"Sorry Damon!" I laughed. He growled playfully.

"Oh, come on, you loved it!" I teased. "Did you hang out here or go terrorize poor little children?"

"Ah, as much as the terrorizing tempted me, I stayed in, and I learned a lot about you!" He laughed.

I groaned. "No way, Felix, get your shiny ass down here!"

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