Chapter 6

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The sun getting higher in the sky warned me that I would have to leave for school soon. I pulled out my Bella Swan birth certificate that had no parents on it. I had many in many different names that I went by, but I always told vampires my real name.

"Ah, the good old blank paper."

"Are you talking to papers, now?" Damon asked from the door.

I shrugged. "Sometimes they have a lot to say."

He laughed. It was melodic. I wanted to hear it forever. I packed my bookbag with empty binders, paper, and pens/pencils.

Damon raised an eyebrow at me. "I have to get ready for school, I'm sorry. I need to talk to Bonnie."

He nodded, understanding, and left me alone. I got dressed into some of my more flashy clothes and grabbed my things. I rushed outside only to be stopped my Damon.

"Where do you think your going?"

"To. . .school?" I asked, confused. He chuckled and planted a kiss on my lips. I kissed back, but someone interrupted us.

"Excuse me, but PDA is not something I don't want to see." Stefan said.

"Yeah, right, and then you and Elena are going to do PDA at school all day today, so maybe I should say that to you."

Damon looked amused. "I am going to go now, just don't kill eachother." He leaned down and whispered in my ear. "You can kill him though."

I rolled my eyes. "Bye." I said.

He waved and I got into my truck. That's what I forgot to do! I will do that today.

I looked in the mirror and saw my straight brown hair that went to the middle of my back. I looked different than the Bella Swan I was, but I looked close enough to her. I had brown contacts in when I was in Forks, but in real life, I had forest green eyes. I smiled. I started the loud engine and drove to the school. I sat at a stop light and put on some eyeliner I found in my purse.

I checked myself, I looked b-e-a-u-tiful.

I pressed the gas down and pulled into the high school. Many people stared, but I recognized one girl. She looked like Bonnie and another, that looked like Katherine, was Elena. Stefan was walking over to her.

I got out of the car and walked by them. Stefan started to kiss Elena.

"No PDA, Stefan." I said, loud enough for her whole group to hear. Bonnie giggled.

"Who are you?" Elena asked me.

"I am the new student. I just moved here. Bonnie knows me."

Bonnie recognized me at once. "Bella?"

I grinned. "You remembered. I would like to thank you. We got the problem all figured out."

"No, no. Thank you, so much. I don't know what I would have done if there were any more deaths. Oh, let me introduce you to my friends. This, as I think you already know, is Elena." I nodded. Smiling at her, she just glared. "This is Meredith," She said, pointing to an athletic girl with black/red hair, "And this is Matt." She said, showing me a honeyblonde male that looked like Mike, he better not act like him.

"And this is Stefan." Elena said, glaring at Bonnie and me at the same time.

"Oh, I know Stefan. He and I go way back." I laughed. "It's a pleasure to meet you all. If you don't mind, I should get registered. Bye."

I could feel Elena glare at me. "Who was that!" I heard Elena whisper to Stefan. I couldn't help but laugh.

"She just moved here. She knew me when I was little. It's no big deal."

I giggled. Yeah, I knew him when he was little.

I walked to the front office and handed the papers to the lady at the desk. She protested, but I assured her that she had everything she needed. She met my eyes and nodded. I loved compelling people. They are so suseptable.

She gave me a schedule and I walked out and Bonnie was waiting right there for me.

"Hello, Bonnie." I smiled.

She smiled back. "I offered to show you around. It usually is Elena, but she hates your guts right now. She thinks your out to get Stefan."

I laughed. "No, no. I am out to get Damon. She can have Stefan all she wants. I don't like him." I almost said that he is too much like Edward. Controlling, manipulative, and obsessive. I mean, I didn't really like Edward. He was just good looking, not as good looking as Damon, but good looking.

"Yeah, Elena is the queen of the school, just don't get on her bad side, for my sake." She whispered. I nodded. "So, your a vampire, huh?"

"Oh yeah, fangs and all." I giggled. She looked at me, waiting for something. I opened my mouth and she saw the teeth I made pop out.

"When was the last time you fed?" She asked, a little worried.

"Last night. Your safe."


I giggled. "Some punk, Tyler Smallwood. He deserved it, too. Damon told me what he did to Elena."

"Oh, I know him! He goes to school here. Won't he like tell on you?"

I shook my head. "He was too scared to forget, then I erased the memory of it. It's all good, Bonnie. No need to worry." I assured her.

"Sorry, can I see your schedule?" She asked, I handed it to her.

"You have your next class with Elena, and the only open desk is next to her. Just don't antagonize her, please."

I smiled, "Do I ever?"

She led me to the door, and I thanked her, getting in. The teacher handed me a text book and a syllabus. I sat next to Elena and she handed me a note.

You can't have Stefan, he is mine!

I giggled, writing back.

Don't worry, I don't want him. I just knew him from an old friend, is all. I am after his brother, really.

She seemed to relax a little. She got tense again.

What do you want with Damon?

I almost laughed.

What Katherine wanted.

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