Chapter 10

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"Bella, I don't think they're coming." Stefan said.

"Hold your horses, Renessaince boy. Come on out. I know you want to ask me questions. I need a big hug from my bestie."

Alice came rushing out of the shadows and gave me a hug. "Bella!"

I looked at the brothers. "I told you. They love me." Damon snickered. I just winked.

"I missed you, Alice. How are you?"

"Great, I would ask how you're doing, but the Volturi are after you! You must be a wreck."

I smiled and looked at Damon and Stefan. I winked and looked at Alice, seeing the rest of the family behind her.

"Actually, you are not here because the Volturi are after me. I want to introduce you to some dear friends of mine." I wrapped my arms around the brothers necks. "This, is Damon." I said, pointing my head to Damon, "And this is, well, Stefan." I said, pointing to Stefan with my head.

"If we aren't here because the Volturi are after you, then why are we here?"

"Ah, that seems to be the million dollar question, huh?" Damon chuckled.

"Oh, shut it. You know why they are here, Damon. No need to taunt them." I said, unlinking my arms. I jumped in front of him and sent him a message.

Go ahead and torment them all you want.

He bust out laughing. I followed a second after.

The Cullen's looked confused, but Stefan was smiling. He heard what I said.

"So, Bella, love, why are we here?" Edward asked.

I laughed, when Damon growled.

"First off, don't call me Bella love, second off, you are here because I want you here. Third, I need Alice."

Alice looked excited. "Yes!" She said, jumping up and down.

"And Bella, are you going to tell them why?" Stefan inquired after a few minutes of silence.

"I don't know. Should I?" I asked, turning to face them. Damon was smiling, Stefan looked like he disapproved of my behavior.

They don't know that I'm a vampire. I sent to them. Stefan looked like he got some missing piece and Damon smiled wider.

Don't tell them, just say that you need to know where someone lives. Damon sent to me and Stefan.

"Good idea, Damon." I laughed. The brothers chuckled. I smiled at them and faced the Cullen's who didn't hear anything from Damon.

"I need Alice to look into the future of a girl named Katherine. I need to see where she lives."

"Yes! My little sis is a stalker!" Emmett yelled.

"Do you really want to wake the human?" I whispered. Confusion flickered on the Cullen's faces. "Mrs. Flowers." I clarified.

"That still doesn't explain why you called her a human, Bella!" Stefan chuckled.

"Say another word, Renassaince boy, and your ego is going out the window." I told him, sternly. He smiled.

"Oh, I just said that, didn't I?" Damon nodded. "Shit! I have to explain now, don't I?"

Damon smiled. "Playing dirty or hard to get?"

"You'll never find out, knight." I winked, and I heard a growl behind me.

"Edward don't you dare attack them. I could kick your ass all the way to Pluto and you wouldn't even know what hit you."

"Bella, your human!" Alice said, worried.

"Yeah, as human as a cat." I laughed.

"Bella, are you OK?"

"Yeah, I'm just peachy. Come on, Damon, let's go feed." I grabbed Damon's hand and ran out of the house, my speed.

"Where did she go?" I heard Esme ask.

Don't you say a word, Stefan, I will get it all covered when I get back.

Got it, Bella.

"Where are we going to go?"

"Wherever you wish. This is your hunt."

He raced off toward Elena's house. "You are seriously going to go after Jeremy?"

He just shrugged. "I am going next door. Meet me in ten at the boardinghouse, by my car."

"That nice looking Audi?"

"Yeah, that truck was cramping my style."

"As if." He said, in a fake girl's voice.

"Don't ever do that again."

I ran off next door and tapped on the window. "Open the window and invite me in."

The person complied. It was an elderly women, but that didn't change it. I wouldn't take too much. She opened the window and I jumped in. I felt bad, causing the old pain, so I compelled her before I bit. It only took a few seconds for me to drink, and I compelled her to forget.

I jumped out the window and saw a horror-struck Edward. "Ah, so the lion finds out, huh? Oh, well, if you would have stayed at the boardinghouse, I would have told you."

I ran over to Elena's house and climbed the tree with amazing agility. "Damon, I think Jeremy has had enough for today. Make sure you make him forget!" I whispered into the window.

I saw Damon jump out. "Look who joined us, little Eddie-kins." I laughed.

"That Cullen boy that growls a lot?" Damon smiled.

I nodded, "The very same. Now, are you full, or do you want that old lady I just had?"

He rolled his eyes. "Feeding off the weak? I didn't even feel her heart race."

"You know, I felt bad, the old don't need to feel pain." I looked over at Edward. "They are going to die soon anyway, Edward."

"That is Edward?"

"Oh, yes. The very one I was telling you about."

Damon held out his hand. "Nice to meet you, heartbreaker."

I laughed. "I like it. It fits him."

"Bella what happened to you?" Edward pleaded. "You were never like this when we were together."

"That's because Eddie, I can act. Now, let's get back to the family."

"Race you!"

"You are so on."

I took off and Damon was right behind me. Edward was trying to keep up. He was at least ten feet behind Damon, who was five feet behind me.

I touched the front door and burst through, barely opening it.

"That was close, but I think I won that, too. Two Fortuna, One Salvatore."

"When did I get one?" Damon asked.

"When you showed me that tasty Tyler. That was an achievement in its own"

He grinned.

"Bella, what are you?"

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