Chapter 13

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In front of me, I saw the most gruesome sight. Edward and Jasper were fighting Katherine. She tried to stake them, but when the stake broke into dust, her face held shock. She was stronger than them, yes. Two of them against one, that was a scary though.

"Edward, Jasper, get out of here. We got her." I shouted at them.

They stopped and looked at us and nodded. They started to head toward the door. They stopped and I could feel them watching. No doubt the rest of the Cullen's were there too.

"Isabelle! Damon! Stefan! How nice of you to fly in!" Katherine's musical voice chimed. I grinned.

"Ah, it is nice to see you, too. Tell me, Katherine, what does it feel like on your last day?" I said, taking the leader position. I felt Damon stiffen beside me.

She cackled like a witch. "Oh, it feels like I have more days to live. You on the other hand, you and your 'friends' have no more days. Once I suck you dry, I will have your power and then I can defeat the stakeless ones."

I laughed. "No one but you will die here."

She shook her head. "No! That is where you are wrong. You see, all I have to do is pull something off of you, and poof! Your dead!" She cackled again.

"Same goes for you. I can pull your necklace off and then you are ashes when the sun rises, for real this time."

"Ah, so you were the one to inform these two fine gentlemen."

I giggled. "I certainly was. In fact, I spotted you in the trees. Very careless of you, Katty."

I said, using the nickname I gave her when I was five.

"Ah, yes. I remember the day you started to call me that. You were an igsignificant little child. You haven't changed much."

I growled. "I have grown up more than you, Katherine."

"We'll see about that."

She came at me and went straight for my hand. I pulled away and she tackled me to the ground. My stake, luckily, was flat against the floor.

"That was close, Kat, but let's see how you fight, your way."

I did a trick she taught me when I was newly reborn. I screamed into her mind. It was a high pitch sound. She covered her ears and I smirked.

She didn't understand it was me and she attacked Damon back with it. Damon fell to the floor on his knees. He was clutching his ears.

"Leave him alone! That one was all me." I said, while her eyes were closed, I attacked her. She tumbled down and she started the screeching. I ignored it as best as I could. I used my fingers and I scratched at her face. She shrieked and some blood flowed from the wounds before it went away. Jasper, as the rest of the Cullen's, were having a hard time. She pushed me down and started to scratch at my arms. I gasped and thrust the stake into her stomach. She stopped moving. I smirked and she looked down.

"You missed." She said, pain etched into her voice.

I nodded. "And I won't next time."

I pulled it out and started to kick and punch at her. She was staggering back, holding her arm. Damon came up, but he backed down when I stalked toward her. As soon as she realized what was happening, I staked her.

"That is for being such a bitch." I twist the stake and she gasped in pain. "And that is for taking away everything I could have possibly wanted." I twisted again. "And that is for you. All you."

She fell limp and I watched as the blood in her veins turned blue and her skin mummified.

I got up and brushed myself off. I looked at the Cullen's shocked faces.

"What?" They didn't answer. "She was a bitch."

Emmett looked so proud. He was thinking some pretty disturbing thoughts.

Man, that was so hot! Girl on girl action! Too bad Eddiekins didn't get some of that! Maybe I could-

"Emmett, I don't think Rosalie would like to hear what you just thought." I giggled. Emmett looked at Rose with his hands up and pleading eyes.

"I didn't say anything, Rosie, I swear."

I turned and picked up Katherine by her hair. Alice and Rosalie were looking at me, astonished I could fight like that. I dragged her, careful not to rip her hair out and I heard Rosalie give a horrified gasp.

"She's dead. She doesn't care if she loses some hair." I said. I threw her on the grass and walked up to her. "Now, watch some magic." I motioned towards the body and the sun. Then, I ripped the necklace off and jumped to the side. She lit on fire and started to crumble. I smiled.

"Who wants this? Damon, Stefan? You get first pick." I called to them. They smiled.

"I don't want it, but my dear little brother could have it."

Stefan shook his head.

"Cullen's?" I asked them. Alice looked into the future and after a few seconds, she snapped out of it. Esme shook her head and Rosalie shrugged.

"Well, Rose or Alice?"

Alice shook her head and I handed it to Rose. "Good luck. Maybe you won't sparkle."

Alice looked at the sun and motion for Rose to put it on. Rose complied and I watched as her sparkles grew dim and became a soft glow.

"I think we just found a cure for the sparklies." I walked up to Damon. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to have Katherine attack you. That was a trick I learned from her and she thought it was you and I started it and she did it to you. And-"

Damon cut me off. He pressed him lips to me. After a few minutes, or hours, we pulled apart.

"You just did the world good." he murmured. I chuckled.

"For the first time in forever!" I giggled back.

He smiled. "I think you need to change your clothes."

I looked down and saw my shirt torn and bloody. My jeans were covered in blood and had a tear mark."Ugh, I didn't think it was that bad. Alright, see you at school!" I said, dashing off. I stopped and turned around. "Thank you, boys, you stayed out of my way. I should have let you get her, but I didn't know if we all got into the fight we might miss her and get eachother."

"You should have seen Edward, Bella!" Stefan chuckled. He saw my confused looked and showed me a picture of him being restrained my Em and Jazz. Throughout the whole fight, he was growling and trying to get through. He kept saying I'm going to kill her. My Bella! I laughed when it was over.

"That should be made a movie. Thank you, again." I said, they all nodded and I changed into a tiger and ran, my clothes falling behind me. I picked them up with my teeth and as soon as I reached the house, I changing into a hawk. I flew up to my window and used my claw to get through. Once inside, I changed to my tiger form and closed the curtains. I grabbed a towel from my cupboard and a robe. I put the robe on and grabbed some skinny jeans that were bright pink. I grabbed a black and pink buffalo print shirt and a white tank. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I put on some makeup and a walked out the door. I sat in the living room. I heard someone coming, Edward.

"Ah, Edward, how nice of you to come again. Let's see, healing from your battle?"

He gave a throaty laugh that was not attractive at all. "No, I am already recover-"

He stopped when he saw me. I was beautiful, I know. "Bella, you look-"

"Beautiful, magnificent, charming, like the sunrise?" A new voice said. I turned and saw the last person I wanted to see.

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