Chapter Four

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And I present to you......
A small dose of our King and Queen.

And for those of you who haven't read my other book, The Devil's Angel, I would suggest it. It will help explain a few things.

(Juliet's POV)

I watched as Scarlett went into Knox's room and shut the door before going back to my own room.

Vince was standing on the balcony when I got there.

"Tesoro," He said without turning around. "Come here."

I walked out on the balcony and he pulled me into his arms. My back was pressed against the railing and my front was pressed against his front.

"Why do you look so sad?" He asked grabbing my chin and tilting my head up.

"I feel bad for her and Knox. From the sound of it all, it seems like they had a love like ours and it was taken from them."

"Moglie, no one has a love like ours. Only we are this f*cked up."

I chuckled. "You've got a point, Marito."

"But I get what you are saying. I've known Knox all his life and he never once let me meet his girl. That's how I know he's serious as f*ck about her."

"He wouldn't let you meet her?"

"Nope. He was afraid."

"Of what? You're his friend."

"That does not matter, Mio Amore. I have a lot of friends that I won't let you meet."

"Yeah but you won't let me meet them because you don't deem them worthy enough. Besides, everyone in our world knows what you've done for me so they're all probably too scared to meet me."

He smirked. "You are the most dangerous piece on the board, Mio Amore."

"And don't you forget it." I winked.

He chuckled.

"You think she'll remember?" I asked playing with the buttons on his shirt.

"Don't know but I hope so. I know how crazy he is about her. I couldn't imagine you now knowing who I was and what all we'd been through."

"I'm pretty sure you'd lock me up somewhere until I remembered or you could just wait until I fell back into love with you."

"You think you would have fallen in love with me if we met years later when I was older and a lot f*cking meaner?"

"Without a doubt."

"Good." He smiled.

"What would happen if you forgot me?"

"That would never happen."

"Can I be honest?" I asked playing with the buttons on his shirt more.


"When we were in the hospital, I thought you were gonna wake up and not remember me or what we'd been through. I thought you were going to be different. I thought I was going to lose you and that would've been worse than you dying."

"That would've have happened, Bambina."

"You didn't have a choice in the matter, Vince."

"I have a choice in everything I do and that happens."

I rolled my eyes. "You're so full of shit."

"Your mouth, Tesoro, watch it." He warmed with a wicked look in his eyes that made me excited.

"Bite me." I said making him smile.

"F*ck, I love you, Bambina."

"I love you more."

He smiled and leaned down to kiss me.

He was gentle at first, but when my tongue pressed against his lips, his gentleness turned to hunger, and he kissed me like a starving man.

I then moved my hand around his waist, snaking it along his abs and down the front of his pants, over the semi-hard bulge I found there.

"Juliet," he groaned, his breath coming quicker as I massaged him gently. "Don't."

"Why not?" I asked, applying more pressure when I felt him responding to my touch.

He didn't answer.

His breath was coming a lot quicker as I moved my hand up to the waistband of his pants. I pulled out the front of his button-down shirt in one quick movement and moved my hand between his smooth skin and the fabric of his pants. He jerked as my fingers grazed the top of his boxer briefs, and I couldn't help but smile against his lips that were still kissing me with fervor and need.

Sliding my hand further down his body, I raked my other hand up his back, mixing the smooth touch against his skin with a rougher touch outside his shirt. He shivered and stopped kissing me.

"I'm going to take you to bed now, Tesoro." He growled.

"Please do." I purred making him groan.

For the rest of the evening, it was just me and him and the rest of the world disappeared.

(Knox's POV)

I walked through the store picking up everything we needed. I ignored the stares because it happened all the time. For some f*cking reason people liked to stare at men when they wear leather cuts, tattoos, beards, and piercings.

I was almost done when I got a phone call.

It was Axel.


"She's in your room."


"Scarlett is in your room. She requested to go in there and wait for you."

"Wait for me? Does she remember?"

"No. She came to see me and now she wants to see you."

"Alright. I'll be back in a few minutes."


I hung and immediately went to checkout.

"It'll be $34.86." The cashier said.

I threw down forty.

"Keep the change."

I rushed back to the hotel and dropped some things off at Axel's room before going to my room. I took a deep breath and calmed myself before I opened the door.

She was sitting on the bed with her dog tags hanging around her neck. Her eyes connected with mine and in that instant I knew.

She remembered.

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