Chapter Fourteen

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"Promise me that you'll be safe. Watch out for anything and anyone suspicious." Knox said as I put my bag in the car.

"I will. I promise."

"Call me if anythin' happens."

"Knox, I will be fine and so will the others. I'm a big girl."

Juliet, myself, and a couple of the other women are leaving for my bachelorette party in Vegas. We are only going for two to three days because that's the longest that Vince will let Juliet be away from him.

"I'm so excited." Juliet said as I got in the drivers seat.

"Ever been to Vegas before?" Trina, Tank's longtime girlfriend, asked.

"Many times but never without my husband." Juliet said as she put her seatbelt on.

"Well we will show you how to party in Vegas."

"She doesn't drink." I pointed out as we got on the road.

"Why the hell not?" Geisel, Raptor's wife, asked.

Juliet shrugged. "I just don't. Don't like alcohol of any kind, never have."

"You're missing out, Sweet-cakes."

The ride to Vegas was a blast. We talked, laughed, joked, jammed to the radio, and some of them took a nap.

We only had to stop a few times along the way.

"We're here." I announced as we pulled up in front of the hotel.

We parked both cars before grabbing our stuff and heading inside to check in.

We had just got into our hotel rooms when Juliet's phone rang.

"Yes, Marito, we made it safely and we are in the safety of the hotel room." She said sitting on the bed.

"Tell him that it's my turn to have you and he gets you back in a few days." I said and she did.

"I can't repeat what he said because it was in Italian and I'm sure there were profanities." She smiled as I laughed.

She hung up with him and we all got ready to go out. I put on a killer black mini dress and heels. Juliet also put on a dress and heels.

"It's not right to outshine the bride-to-be on her bachelorette weekend." I said as she came out of the bathroom.

She rolled her eyes at me.

We all then headed out to one of the biggest casinos to get the weekend started.

Some of the girls went to play games while Juliet, Trina, and I went to get the drinks.

I ordered what everyone else wanted and let Juliet get what she wanted.

"Bottle of water, please."

I tried to pay for everything but the bartender said it was on the house. 

"Our drinks were on the house and I don't know why but I'm complaining." I said as I handed Yvonne and Geisel their drinks.

"I bet she knows why." Yvonne said looking at Juliet.

She blushed lightly.

"You know why?" I asked.

"Who do think owns this casino?" She asked.

"Your husband."

"Who do you think was informed that I was here the second we walked in the door?"

"Your husband."

"And if you look to your right and left then you will see that two men dressed in suits are watching us like hawks."

We looked and she was right.

"Your husband is a bit overbearing."

"Well I've been kidnapped twice and almost blown up twice so he has his reasons."

"F*ck, I'd be overbearing to." Geisel said.

"Kidnapped twice?" I asked.

"Story for another day." She smiled.

We stayed at the casino for hours before finally leaving but we didn't go back to our hotel. We went to a Chippendales show.

"We won't let your husband know about this." I said as Juliet and I sat down.

"He would kill them."

"Not you?"

"No, just them and possibly you."

"Good to know."

When the show was finally over we went back to our hotel to wind down and go to bed.

"Tell me about the kidnapping and the bomb thing." I said as she climbed into her bed.

So she told me everything. From the day she left Colorado to now.

"Holy shit."


"No wonder his ass is f*cking crazy. Now I'm very surprised he let you come here with me."

"He has men all over the place here." She said as her phone rang.

"Speaking of the Devil." I chuckled as she answered it.

She went out on the balcony and talked to him for about a hour before coming back inside.

"Goodnight, Jules." I said as we turned the lights out.

"Goodnight, Scar."

I can't tell you how long we'd been asleep before we heard it. The sound of the door busting open.

I looked over to see that Juliet was already awake. I got up and ran over to her just as four men appeared in the doorway. Two of them had guns pointed right us.

"Which one is she?" One man asked.

"Dark haired one." Another said.

"What do we do with the other one?"

"Bring her too."

I watched as they hit Juliet in the head knocking her out and then everything went black.

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