Chapter Sixteen

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(Knox's POV)

We were walking out the door when a familiar car pulled up.

"Shit." I mumbled.

"Who is that?" Vince asked.

I ignored him.

"This is why I took her from you! This exact reason! She's not safe living with you and these men!" Rachel yelled.

"How the hell did you find out?"

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that once we get her back, I'm taking her with me."

"The f*ck you are." I growled.

"She isn't safe with you. You got her kidnapped!"

"I don't have time for this. We will discuss this after I get back."

"I'm coming with you." She said.

"Listen lady, I don't know who you are but my wife was with Scarlett so she's also kidnapped. If you don't get out of our way, I will shoot you." Vince said.

She got a bit of fear in her eyes and quickly moved.

"Ollie, take Rachel inside." I ordered.

"Yes, Sir."

We all piled into the cars and headed out.

Vince wanted to make a pit stop so that's what we did first.

By noon, we reached our destination and easily found where the girls were being held.

"How we doing this?" Tank asked.

"Going through the front door." Vince said.

"Excuse me?" Axel asked as Vince took off his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves.

"You need to get your ears checked, old man." He said before walking towards the door.

"F*ck it." I said following right behind him. I made sure I got my favorite weapon of choice out of the trunk first.

"You go left and I'll go right." Vince said.

"Let's do this." I nodded.

We walked in to see at least twenty guys just standing around. Vince wasted no time shooting a few of them.

Me? I took the more personal and less lethal approach.

I walked up to one I recognized from town and swung the baseball bat as hard as I could into his legs. He went down.

One ran up to me and pulled his gun out so I took the bat and smashed his shoulder with it. He dropped the gun giving me another chance to slam it into his shoulder.

Five minutes later, they were all down.

"F*cking shit, Knox. You had to use the bat?" Raptor asked looking down at one guy whose hand was all broken and mangled now.

I shrugged. "It's effective."

"Obviously." Elliot said.

"They're in the basement." Vince said tucking his gun back into his pants.

We found the stairs and headed down them. We walked down the small hallway that was at the end of the stairs until we found the cell we were looking for.

Only Juliet was inside though.

"Moglie," Vince said opening the door.

She stood up and rushed into his arms.

"Stai bene? Ti hanno toccato?"
(Are you okay? Did they touch you?)

"I'm fine. We have to find Scarlett. They took her about thirty minutes ago." She said.

"We will find her. You go wait in the car." Vince said.

"Like hell I will. She's my friend. I'm not leaving her." Juliet said.

He growled in frustration. "Fine but you don't leave my eyesight."


"Where'd they take her?" I asked.

"I don't know but I have her my necklace."

Vince's guy located the necklace and it was back in town.

"They went home. Why would they do that?"

"I have no f*ckin' clue."

Before we left, we found their office and searched it for information. Any information about them was good information.

We made it back to town and went directly to where they were building their apartment-like building.

We walked inside but it was empty. We all split up but it was still empty.

"This place has to have a basement." Elliot said.

"Why does every villain keep their hostages in the basement?"

"Vince, would you like to answer that?" I asked with a smirk.

He didn't miss a beat. "It's so no one will hear their screams or cries for help."

Elliot was right and there was a basement door. We threw it open and walked down the stairs.

This basement had an open floor plan unlike the other one. In the center of the floor was Scarlett.

She was knocked out.

I ran over and crouched down beside her.

"We have to get her to the hospital." I said lifting her up gently.

"You go, and take my wife with you, we will stay and look for them." Vince said.

I rushed both girls to the hospital and got them checked in.

Shortly after arriving and getting them checked in, Scarlett started to wake up.

"Hey, how you feelin'?" I asked sitting in the chair by her bed.

She got this look on her face before she spoke. "W.....Who are you?"

No, please no.

"You don't remember me?" I asked as fear tore through my heart. Not again.

Then her face broke out into a smile. "I'm just f*cking with you."

I wanted to smack her, but instead I pulled her in for a kiss.

F*ck, I love that woman.

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