Chapter Five

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(Scarlett's POV)

He had been painfully attractive before. He had always been broad-shouldered, but in the years since I'd had seen him, he had clearly been hitting the gym hard. His arms and chest were huge beneath his white t-shirt and MC cut. He had abandoned the scruff and grown himself a beard and moustache combination that covered his sharp jawline. His dirty blonde hair was now down a little past his shoulders.

He stood straight like a soldier, always standing out of the crowd—even when that crowd consisted of other alpha males like himself.

He had two grocery bags in his hand which he sat on the floor after he closed the door. I slowly stood up as I began to cry.

"Darlin'," He said and I immediately began to cry harder.

We met halfway and he wrapped his arms around me as I continued to cry.

"I'm so sorry." I sobbed.

He pulled back and cupped my face in his hands. "You have nothin' to be sorry for. You hear me? Rachel did this to us, you haven't done anythin'."

"I forgot about you, about us. I forgot everything we've been through together."

"That doesn't matter, Darlin'. What matters is that you remember now and you're back in my arms."


"Yes, Darlin'?"

"Kiss me?"

His lips collided with mine seconds later and my palms came up against his chest. I didn't push him away, no I grabbed hold of his leather jacket and pulled him closer. He kissed me like our lives depended on it. He kissed me and everything melted away.

"I love you, Darlin'. I never stopped lovin' you." He mumbled against my lips.

"I love you to. So f*cking much."

He sat down in the chair by the balcony door and pulled me onto his lap. We just sat there with him holding me and for the first time in a long while I felt at peace.

"It's longer." I said running my hand through his hair.

"Yeah." He sighed.

"I like it. Makes you sexier." I grinned. "Your beard is too."

"Glad you think so." He smirked.

"We should probably tell the others that I remember, huh?"

"Maybe later. I want you all to myself right now."

"Okay. Can you tell me what I missed?"

"Nothin' important really."

"How is Eli?"

"Elliot is good. He's still the same old Elliot."


"Shortly after you disappeared, he stepped down as Prez and handed it to me."

"Elliot didn't take it?"

"No, he didn't want it. You know what he's like."

Elliot, even though he is in a MC, he doesn't act like it. He doesn't drink or smoke. He doesn't have meaningless sex. He has a few tattoos and no piercings. He also drives his car more than he does his Harley. Axel has told him that he can leave if he wants to but he stays.

"How hard was it on them?"

"It was pretty rough for them."

"Worse for you, right?" I asked with a grin.

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