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(Two and a Half Years Ago)

"I am serious."

"So am I, Darlin'." I said crossing my arms.

She stuck her bottom lip out in a pout and batted her eyes at me. That shit always worked but not this time.

"Please." She pouted.



"'Cause I said so. You don't need one."

"But you have like thirty."

"I'm a grown ass man."

She rolled her eyes. "You're 21."

"And you are 17."

She glared at me for about twenty minutes after that.

"I'll make you a deal." I said and she smiled.


"You get Diesel to agree and you can get one."


"Really." I nodded.

She took off running and was gone for less than a minute before she came back with a frown.

"You asshole." She growled.

"Watch your mouth, Darlin'." I warned.

"Or what?"

"You know what." I said with a wink making her blush.

"I am going to get a tattoo one day and you can't stop me." She said crossing her arms.

"That may be true but I can stop you now."

"I hate you."

"You love me." I said pulling her into my arms.

She sighed. "I do. More than anything."

She was about to kiss me when someone knocked on the door.

"Who the f*ck is it?" I asked.

"Scar's aunt is here to pick her up." Yates said.

"I thought you were stayin' with me tonight?"

"Me too. I told her I was staying here but maybe she forgot."

"Want me to go tell her?"

"No." She said rather quickly.

"Why not?"

"You know why. She doesn't like you or us together. She still thinks we are broken up."

I smirked as I slid my hand down and grabbed her ass.

"If she only knew all the things we do together."

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