Chapter Eight

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(Scarlett's POV)

I woke up before Knox and made my way out of our room.

Most of the guys live in the clubhouse. It's like a small apartment building and it has one big room that is the main room where everyone hangs out. It has a bar, kitchen, pool tables, couches, chairs, a TV, and a few other things. The guys who are single live there and most of the ones that are married or have children live in small houses nearby, but they still have a room at the clubhouse.

"You're up early." Elliott said as I walked into the large kitchen.

"So are you." I said getting a glass of OJ.

"Knox still asleep?"

"What do you think?"

"He's asleep because if if he was up then you'd be chained to his side." He said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes.

"How was he?" I asked as I sat down at the table.

"He ass."

"He's always an ass."

"An even bigger ass."

It was silent a few minutes before he spoke again.

"He built a house."


"Knox built a house. It's a few miles away. It's really nice."

"But he stays here?"

"He said that it was your all's house. He said he wasn't going to live there until you were back to live in it with him. He built it with some help from two contractors but other than that he did it all himself."

I felt tears in my eyes but I held them back.

It was then that Xavier walked in.

"Morning." He said slowly making his way to the coffee.

"Morning." I said before getting up and walking out.

I went up to the roof and pulled out my phone.

"Hello." Juliet answered as I FaceTimed her.

She seemed to have been out on a balcony.

"Did I wake you?"

"No, I was reading a book. Vince is.....taking care of some things. What's up?"

That's when the dam broke.

"He built a house."


"Knox built us a house but he's not living in it. He said he'd only live in it when I was here to be there with him."

"Did he tell you?"

I shook my head. "Elliott did. Juliet, how could I forget him? How could I forget a man that built a house for me? I feel terrible."

"Scarlett, it's not your fault. He knows that. He knows you didn't want or mean to forget him."

I nodded. "You're right."

"So are you gonna move in there with him?"

"Obviously." I smiled wiping away my tears.

She gave me a smile back.

"So where are you two at?"


"How is it?"

"See for yourself." She said before flipping the camera around so I could see what she sees off her balcony.

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