Chapter Twelve

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"B*tch, you got engaged and I'm the last to know! What's up with that?" Mia, my best friend from Texas asked.

"Good to see you too." I joked giving her a hug.

She took some vacation time so she could come up and visit. She wanted to see where I grew up and meet my family.

"Where to first?" She asked as we walked out to the car.

"Home so we can drop off your stuff."

"Sounds good."

I wish I could've taken a picture of her face when she saw the house. I didn't tell her that Knox built one for me.

"Whose house is this?"



"Knox built it for when I returned."

"I'm so jealous of you right now." She said as we got out of the car. "Where is that hunk of eye candy?"

"Working. We will see him later."

"Thank goodness."

We put her stuff in one of the other bedrooms before getting back in the car and leaving. This time we headed to the diner for some lunch.

"Who is this?" Elle asked as she approached our table once we were at the diner.

"My best friend Mia. She's visiting for the weekend. Mia this is Elle. She owns this fine establishment."

"Nice to meet you." Mia smiled.

"You too. I know Scar wants already, so what can I get you?"

"A burger and fries with a coke to drink."

"Coming right up. Scarlett, you want your man's usual to take to him?"

"Yes, please."

Once Elle walked away, Mia laid into me.

"Tell me everything."

"About what?"

"Every single thing. Your family, your man, your life here, I want to know it all."

So I told her everything I could.

"I don't know if I'm jealous or scared for you."

I grinned. "No need to be scared for me. I'm in good hands."

We ate, talked some more, and then were on our way to the garage.

"Hey, Darlin'." Knox said when we walked in.

"Hey, Handsome. Brought you some lunch. You remember Mia, right?"

"Of course." He said giving her a smile.

"Nice to see you again." Mia blushed.

"We are gonna to the clubhouse and hang out for a while. You going there after work?"

"Yeah, they guys and I have some business to discuss."

"Alright. Love you."

"Love you to." He said giving me a quick kiss.

"The clubhouse?" Mia asked as we got back in my car.

"Yeah. It's where everyone hangs out in the evenings and on weekends. You're here just in time actually. The town's annual fundraiser fair is tonight and we always host it."

"Sounds fun."

"It is. You'll get to meet everyone."

We got to the clubhouse and decided to watch some TV. We were in the middle of a show when Elliot walked in.

"Who is that?" Mia whispered.

"My cousin Elliot." I said with a smirk.

"Hey, Monkey. Who's this?" Elliot asked walking over.

"My friend Mia. Mia this is Elliot."

"Nice to meet you." He smiled at her.

"Y-You too." She said blushing.

"You going to help with the fundraiser?" He asked looking at me.


"We're having it outback since it's so nice today. We're gonna start decorating soon."

"Alright. Just let us know."

"Will do. Nice to meet you, Mia." He smiled before disappearing down the hall.

"Is he single?" Mia asked as soon as he was gone.

"Why? You're engaged."

She got this look in her eye and I instantly had questions.

"What happened?"

"I think I'm going to break it off with Jay."

"What? Why?"

"I don't know. I just don't feel the same way I did before. Plus, he's become a bit distant."

"You still love him?"

"Yeah, but I'm not in love with him. That's part of the reason I came to see you this weekend. I needed time away from him to figure it all out."

"No better place to do that than here. We're a bit of a small town where nothing big happens."



"Is your cousin single?"


"What's he like?"

"Complete opposite of Knox and my uncle. He doesn't really cuss, doesn't drink or smoke, doesn't sleep around, and kind of keeps to himself when he can."

"He's the black sheep?"


A hour later we were outback helping set everything up. Knox and the others showed up two hours after that and then everyone from town started arriving.

"Hey, Darlin'." Knox said coming over and kissing me.


"This came in the mail today." He said handing me an envelope.

It was a postcard and a check from Juliet and Vince for the fundraiser.

"Who is that from?" Mia asked.

"My friend Juliet and her husband."

"A $100,000 dollar check?! What do they do for a living?"

"Um....he owns his own business." Knox answered.

"I think you'd like Juliet. She's the nicest person I've ever met."

"She coming to your bachelorette party?"

"Yes, you can meet her then." I said just as I spotted some unwanted people walking around the side of the building.

"Knox," I said quietly.

"I see them." He whispered before heading towards them.

"Let's go see if anyone needs any help." I said pulling her into the opposite direction.

We ended up at Elle's table where she was selling pies.

"So where does all this money go to?" Mia asked.

"The children's hospital." Elle smiled.

I don't know what was said or anything but I looked over towards Knox to see that Charley and Winston were walking away.

"Crisis averted." Elle whispered in my ear.

"For now." I mumbled.

I prayed that they would just disappear. I prayed that they would get annoyed or tired and just leave us and our town alone.

If only I knew how wrong I was.

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