Chapter Seven

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I was bouncing with excitement. Today is the day that we are finally going home.

Vince and Juliet left yesterday and she promised that we'd stay in touch and visit each other. They left to go back to vacationing around the world.

After they left, Knox and I went over to Rachel's while she was working and got a lot of my stuff. Axel drove his truck here while Knox drove his motorcycle so Uncle Axel gets to haul all my stuff back.

It was when we collecting my stuff that Mia showed up with Jay.

"What the hell, Clare? I just got a call from Rachel saying that you're leaving. What's that about?"

"Actually it's Scarlett."


"My name is Scarlett."

"What are you talking about?"

"Have a seat." I said sitting on the couch.

She sat down with Jay and looked at me expectantly. I explained everything.

"That's terrible." She said once I finished. "I couldn't imagine not remembering anything."


"So are you coming back at all?"

"I don't know. I'll come to visit you and Rachel but this isn't my home."

"I understand." She nodded just as Knox came in the room.

"Darlin', where the f*ck do you want this?" He asked holding up something from my bedroom.

"Anywhere is fine." I said looking back at Mia who was staring at him with her jaw on the floor.

"Who are they?" Knox asked once he noticed we weren't alone.

"This is my best friend Mia and her fiancé Jay. Guys this is Knox."

"Nice to meet you." Mia said smiling at him.

"You to." Knox said giving her a short nod before disappearing down the hallway.

"Baby, maybe you could go help him pack some of her stuff." Mia said to Jay.

"Sure thing." He said standing up.

Once Jay was out of the room Mia threw a pillow at me.

"What did you do that for?" I asked throwing the pillow back at her.

"He is so dangerously hot. What planet did he come from?" She asked making me laugh.

"He is, isn't he?"

"How can anyone forget a man like him?"

"I don't know but he has a older brother. I can set you up with him, if you want." I half teased.

She gave me a look. "I know you don't like jay but we're engaged and I love him."

"I know."

Jay and Mia left shortly before Uncle Axel arrived with his truck. We put my stuff in the pack of the truck and Hank, one of the other guys, volunteered to drive my car back.

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