Chapter Fifteen

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(Scarlett's POV)

I woke up with my head pounding. It took me a minute before I fully came to my senses. I looked around to see that I was in a room with nothing in it. It had no windows, no furniture, nothing but a single light on the ceiling.

I gasped when I saw Juliet in the corner. I rushed to her side and tried to wake her up. It took a minute or two before she finally came to.

"Vince is going to be pissed." She said sitting up. "That's three times I've been kidnapped."

"I have a feeling both of our men will be pissed."

She chuckled. "Vince doesn't really do pissed. He's more of a chopping dicks, hands, fingers, tongues off type of guy. He get insanely furious."

She reached her hand up and touched her head only to wince.

"Let me see." I said getting behind her. "F*ck."


"You have a nasty gash back here. I need something to stop the bleeding."

She grabbed the bottom of her shirt and ripped a piece off.

"Perfect." I said.

I don't know how long we waited before someone finally showed.

"Bout time you woke up." He said glaring at us.

"Why the f*ck did you kidnap us?" I asked standing up.

"We are using you as leverage. You were the only one we were after but we couldn't let your friend go and we couldn't kill her."

Juliet slowly stood up and glared at the man.

"May I speak with the one in charge?" She asked.

"You making demands?" The guy asked pulling out a gun.

She didn't flinch.

"Making a request."

They had a stare off before he gave in. He disappeared only to come back with familiar faces.

Winston and Charley.

"What can we do for you ladies?" Winston asked with a stupid smirk on his face.

"Do you know who I am?" Juliet asked crossing her arms.

Winston rolled his eyes. "Why does every kidnapped person ask that?"

"Do you know who I am?" She asked again but with more force.

"Some hot piece of ass that got in the way." Winston said.

"Try again."

"Some hot b*tch that got in the way." Charley said.

"My name is Juliet. Juliet Bianchi."

Boy, did they f*cking go pale. I almost busted out laughing.

She sassily walked closer until she stood right in front of them.

"My husband is going to skin you alive." She said with a smile.

(Knox's POV)

"Still not answering?" Axel asked.

"No, it's been six hours."

"They're probably still asleep." Elliot said as the door busted open.

Vince walked in with three of his guys right behind him and he looked so beyond pissed.

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