Chapter Ten

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"I can't believe you're engaged now." Juliet said over FaceTime.

"Me neither to be honest."

"So when's the wedding?"

"Haven't got a clue. I'm going to have bachelorette party soon, you going to come."

"Definitely. I'll just have to sweet talk my husband." She smiled.

"Right, let me know how that goes."

"It usually works. When it doesn't, I just take off my clothes and he agrees." She said with a wink.

I couldn't help but laugh. "I'll have to try that with Knox. You guys still in Rome?"

"Nope, we came home yesterday. Vince has some business to do."

"Ahhhh, I see."

We hung up a few minutes later and I went back to the kitchen where a lot of the guys were.

"Where you been?" Tank asked as he took a drink from his beer.

"Talking to Juliet."

"You besties with The Devil's woman now?"

"I am. Why?"

He shrugged. "Just surprised he still lets her have friends. Her last one......didn't end so well."

"Why not?"

"That's a long story." Phoenix said walking in with Knox and Uncle Axel behind him.

"What have you guys been up to?" I asked sitting down on an island stool.


"The new guys moving in?"

Knox nodded. "They have asked for a meeting."

"A meeting? What for?"

"We don't know but we agreed. It start in two hours down at the diner."

"The diner?"

"Wanted it to be a public place so Knox can't kill them." Elliot said making Knox roll his eyes.

"I could kill them at the diner and Elle wouldn't say or do a thing about it." Knox said leaning beside me against the island.

"They don't know that." I said. "Can I go with you guys?"

"I don't think that's a good idea." Uncle Axel said.

"Please." I said sticking my lip out in a pout. Juliet said it always worked for her.

Knox let out a sigh. "You can come but you have to stay by one of our sides. No matter what."


Two hours later we were sitting in the diner waiting for them to show up. They were ten minutes late but they eventually showed up.

The man I'd met before was one of the ones that showed up.

"My name is Winston and this is Charley." The man said introducing himself and one other man. He left the other two nameless.

"I'm Knox and this is Elliot and Axel."

"And her?"

"She is none of your concern." Knox said as Winston eyed me.

"Why did you want this meeting?" Uncle Axel asked.

"We have heard that you and run this town and the surrounding areas."

"We do."

"We want to apologize for taking your friend Gavin's shop. It was.....necessary."

"Necessary for what?"

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