Chapter Nine

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It's been a while but I have a special treat for you guys! 😉😉

Along with chapter, I am posting the first chapter in The Devil's Angel Bonus Chapter book. It is a special Thanksgiving chapter. You can find it by going to my profile and looking in my works. I will post it in a few hours or sometime tomorrow/today, Saturday.

Also, I only have two more weeks of classes before I'm off for over a month for Christmas break so I'll be getting chapters to you guys then to.

It's a bit short and I apologize for that but I wanted to give you guy's something.

Happy Holidays!!!


-Anon 🙃🙂😉🥴


We were laying underneath our favorite tree at our favorite spot. It was a mile or two away from the clubhouse and it was peaceful.

"I talk to Elliott this morning before I talked to Juliet."


"And he told me that you built a house."

He tensed just a little bit. "I did."

"But you don't live in it?"


"So it's just sitting there."

"You 'member that day a year before you left? The day we spent six hours at the beach?"

I nodded. "Of course. It was one of the best days."


We laid on our beach towels a little ways from where the waves stopped.

"Tell me somethin'." Knox said as he turned to look at me.

He wore a pair of black swimming trunks and a pair of ray ban sunglasses.


"Ten years from now, where do you us?"

"Still together and married with a house of our own and maybe a kid or two. You?"

"Same as you. What kind of house? A big or small one?"

I rolled over on my side to look at him. "I want a two story house that has four bedrooms and open kitchen/dining room so that we can see the living room while we cook. Maybe a small pool. A two or three car garage. Maybe a small guest house that could maybe also be a pool house. A nice patio or deck so we can have cookouts and entertain the guys. And I want it all fenced in so our dogs don't run away."

"Anythin' else?" He asked with amusement in eyes.

"No, that's about it." I smiled.

"Then that's what you shall have."

(End Flashback)

"I did tell you that that's what you'll get."

I sat up and looked down at him.

"You didn't."

"I did." He smirked.

I jumped up. "Take me there. Now."

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