Chapter 2

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MY EYES fluttered open, and I awoke into a dark room. From what I could tell, I was in some sort of infirmary, though I didn't know how or why. From the light streaming through the window, I guessed was mid-afternoon. Everything was white, including the bed I had slept in. I attempted to sit up, but my head barked in pain.

"Doesn't feel too good does it?" a female voice said from my right. She was small and looked about the same age as me. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a bun. Then I recognized her.

"You're the maid! You little b-" I tried to sit up again, but the woman pushed me down.

"Careful, you might black out again if you get up too soon." She put her hands in her lap. "I'm Rebecca, and this is the palace infirmary."

I must have looked as confused as I felt, because Rebecca said, "Do you remember anything that happened that night? You've been out for three days."

"What do you mean three days? And why am I in the bloody palace?"

Rebecca waved my questions aside. "Chill Kia- Aldi, you'll find out eventually. Now, if you're feeling well, you've got a meeting with the King."


I still had no idea what was going on as Rebecca led me down several hallways in which I only half payed attention to. I didn't know if I was dreaming or not, but this felt too real for my liking.

Soon enough we reached a set of double doors. Which happened to have the same dragon-like design from before. Identical to the one on my hand. Two guards stood on either side, though neither of them moved.

"What's this?" I asked, dreading the answer.

"This," Rebecca said, pushing open the doors. "is the Throne Room."

The room was lined with- what I guessed- regents of the king, Kalliarkos included. On the far side of the room sat four thrones. Seated in the biggest was, of course, the King. The other three were all empty.

Everyone looked up from what they were doing. It seems they had interrupted a meeting that was going on. Rebecca had left of course. I wish I had my weapons, but they had all been taken from me.

Kalliarkos moved to the King's side and whispered something in his ear. The King nodded, keeping his eyes on me.

"I see our guest has finally woken up," he said. The King was of average height, peeking out from under his crown was smooth black hair speckled with white, his entire frame was muscular, showing he knew how to handle himself in a fight. His brown eyes bored into mine.

I fought against the pounding in my head and curtsied, keeping my eyes on the King. "If it is not too rude to ask, why am I not hanging from the gallows?" Kalliarkos's eyes lit up with amusement.

The King slowly rose from his throne, and walked towards me, guards silently trailing him. He stopped an arm's length away and said, "Why would I hang my own daughter?"

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