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I FINALLY can upload something!!

if no one got my message of why I wasn't uploading... 3 reasons

1.my family and I just *shudder* moved... bleh :P

2. We needed to wait for those slow-mos to connect our internet so we waited for 2 weeks

3. ah skul! just like everyone else!

I was gonna upload yesterday, but... blame my sister!! she told me that we already have internet yesterday... when it was time for school!! (my school is every night :)) so...)

Thank you very much for waiting!!


AFTER ANOTHER WEEK (2&1/2 weeks since punch thingy)

Tani's POV

AAAA!! Late! Late! I thought as I ran to my locker. There were no students in the halls so it was easier to run to my locker. No need for those wierd stares again.

When I got to my locker, I phanted and rest my hand on my knees waiting for myself to catch my breath. When my breathing eased, I opened my locker and something fell to the floor.

I looked down and saw a red rose that had a violet and blue ribbon tied around it. I smiled when I saw it. It was all of my favorites! A red rose and my favorite colors blue and violet.

I bent down and picked it up. I thought that it was from Patrick because he was a very sweet friend and he gave me things for no reasons. Sometimes I even think that he likes me because I always see him staring or smiling at me, but it was all probably just a coincidence.

It was really nice being with him, Kale, Paggie and sometimes, Gabe. But the thoughts of Elli won't leave my mind. I shook my head, as if it can shake the thoughts away.

I wonder how Patrick knew what I liked? I never told her about it. Oh, wait. He has his 'connections'. I laughed at the memory silently.

"You like it?" a voice from behind me asked. I froze, shocked at the voice. All the effort I did to avoid him...

"Tani..." Elli called. I didn't know what to do, so I didn't move a muscle. My breathing got heavy and my heart beated faster than average.

He sighed, frustrated, and he turned me around. My face was still looking down at the rose so I didn't see his face.

He mumbled something before he pulled my chin up with his fingers and made our gaze connect to each others. I stared at the beautiful blue eyes that I haven't seen for quite a while now and got lost in them. "Tani?" Elli called bringing me back.

I pushed him away from me and pressed my back on my locker. I looked at him, scared. I wasn't scared that he might hit me again...maybe he will, maybe he won't, but I was scared at the amount of 'hurt' that he was going to give me today.

He stepped closer to me... too close but not that close. My eyes moved to my left, then right.

I can run if I want to... but my feet weren't working with me at the moment. Come on. Move. I thought.

"Tani. Can you please give me a minute to talk and apologize to you?" he told me. I didn't look at him. I just stared back down and thinked of a fun memory. But Elli kept popping on every one of it.

"Tani, please. Look at me." he pleaded. I looked up and looked at his forehead. He sighed again. "Look at me in the eyes, please."

I slowly let my eyes drift to his eyes. "Tani... I'm sorry. I was a jerk. I-" he started to apologize but I cut him off.

"Brooke's gonna get jealous when she sees you talking with me." I told him, breaking our eye contact. He smiled "You never really listen to school gossips, huh?" he asked. Duh, you don't know if it's true or not.

He smiled sadly at me "I broke up with her..." I looked back at his eyes and boy, was it a bad desicion. All I saw was sadness and a little hope. I don't know what kind of hope... but there was a small hope.

"Anyways, back to the real subject. I-" he started. I don't know why, but I didn't want to hear him apologise, so I cut him off again "I-I need to go now... I'm late." I told him.

He frowned at this. "Why don't you want me to talk?" he asked frustrated.

I felt my anger spark inside of me "Because I thought populars weren't supposed to talk to loosers. Vice versa" I suddenly spat at him, but immediatley backed a small step away.

He ran a hand through his hair and said "You. Are. NOT. A. Looser!" I stared at him " But, in the party-"

He slammed his hand on the lockers on my side and he rested his forehead on mine, he then stared at my eyes and I nervously stared back "I was angry, okay? I... I didn't control my anger. I thought you were lying." he breathed.

I felt my eyes sting and my whole body slightly shooked. I already know that he didn't believe me, but him telling me that he didn't believe me hurted more.

"You never belived me since you started dating Brooke." I sadly told him. Guilt filled his eyes and I know that he was really sorry. He was probably really sorry the whole time and I never gave him the chance to explain and apologise.

In a smooth soft voice he said "And I just realised that. That's why I wanted to tell you that I'm-"

"Hey Tani!" a familliar voice called. Elli pulled his forehead a few inches away from mine and looked down, sighing.

Patrick came to our side and smiled at me "I've been looking all over for you!" he told me.

Patrick talked to me as if Elli wasn't right infront of me and has I was trapped between Elli and the locker. What kind of eyes does this boy have?

I smiled weakly at him and said "Hi." Patrick held my wrist and softly pulled me. I crouched down Elli's arm and stood up when I was out.

" I'll walk you to your class. " Patrick told me and I heared a low growl come from behind me.

"Excuse you, but I'm trying to talk to her." Elli said as calm as he can.

Patrick gave him a boring look "Trying... too bad you're failing" he told. Elli gripped the hemn of his shirt until his knuckles went white "Why do they keep pulling her away from me..." he mumbled to his self, but we were close enough to hear him.

"Maybe because you do not deserve her, and you punched her away from you." Patrick spat at him. Elli stared at him with hurt and anger. I felt my stomach tie into a knot.

Did he deserve this? Maybe a little, but not this much... right?

I tugged Patrick's hand and he looked at me. I shook my head saying " Let's go." He glared at Elli before he smiled at me and started to walk away with me

"HEY!" Elli called but we didn't stop walking. "Tani! Please!" he yelled but I ignored him.


A/N: Was gonna stop there... but... I feel like a jerk for making it too short... so just a few more wordsss


I let Patrick pull me until I realised that he was pulling me out of the school to the school parking lot.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"How about we go on a little date?"



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===the crazy moi===


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